600字范文 > 初中英语语法24讲 第23讲 直接引语&间接引语

初中英语语法24讲 第23讲 直接引语&间接引语

时间:2023-08-18 05:10:44


初中英语语法24讲 第23讲 直接引语&间接引语

第23章 直接引语与间接引语




典型例句:1.She said, “I like English very much”.(直接引语)


典型例句:2.She saidshe liked English very much.(间接引语)









She said, “You gave the book to me yourself.”(她说:“是你自己把这本书给我的。”)

The teacher asked, “Do you like English?”(老师问:“你们喜欢英语吗?”)

Mary said to me, “I lost my cell phone.”(玛丽对我说:“我把我的手机弄丢了。”)

“Do you want to go swimming today?” Ben asked me.(本问我:“今天你想去游泳吗?”)








She said that I had given the book to her myself.(她说是我自己把那本书给她的。)

The teacher asked us whether we liked English.(老师问我们是否喜欢英语。)

Mary told me that she had lost her cell phone.(玛丽告诉我她把她的手机弄丢了。)

Ben asked me if I wanted to go swimming that day.(本问我那天是否想去游泳。)





John said, “I’ve been late again.”(约翰说:“我又迟到了。”)

→John said that he had been late again.(约翰说他又迟到了。)

Mary said, “I’ll finish the work this afternoon.”(玛丽说:“我将在今天下午完成工作。”)

→Mary said that she would finish the work that afternoon.


He said, “I’ll be seeing you off on the 10 o’clock train.”


→He said that he would be seeing me off on the 10 o’clock train.




She said, “I like maths very much.”(她说:“我非常喜欢数学。”)(一般现在时)

→She said that she liked maths very much.(她说她非常喜欢数学。)(一般过去时)

He said, “I’ve never seen this man.”(他说:“我从没见过这个男人。”)(现在完成时)

→He said that he had never seen that man.(他说他从没见过那个男人。)(过去完成时)

Joe said, “I am listening to music in my room.”


→Joe said that he was listening to music in his room.






The girl said to me, “Pocket money can give a kid a sense of independence.”


→The girl told me (that) pocket money could give a kid a sense of independence.


Paul said, “I haven’t heard a complain yet.”(保罗说:“我还没听到一句抱怨。”)

→Paul said (that) he hadn’t heard a complain yet.(保罗说他还没听到一句抱怨。)





Mary asked me, “What is she doing here?”(玛丽问我:“她在这儿做什么呢?”)

说明:此句除了时态由一般现在时变为一般过去时之外,语序也由疑问句语序变为陈述句语序,即将“What is she doing here?”变为“what she was doing there.”同时注意标点符号由于问号变为句号。因为实际上此句是个宾语从句,主句是陈述句而不是问句。

→Mary asked me what she was doing there.(玛丽问我她在那儿做什么呢。)

Wang Fang asked Lily, “How have you managed to finish painting so soon?”


→Wang Fang asked Lily how she had managed to finish painting so soon.


My teacher asked me, “How long have you spent in practicing these days?”


→My teacher asked me how long I had spent in practicing those days.




I asked her, “Did you visit the museum two days ago?”


→I asked her if/whether she had visited the museum two days before.


My friend Lily asked me, “Do you want to go swimming today?”


→My friend Lily asked (me) if/whether I wanted to go swimming that day.


比较:if和whether一般可通用;但whether可以和or not连用,if不能。

I asked her whether or not she had visited the museum two days before.



反意疑问句转述为间接引语时,要把它看成是一般疑问句:即句型为陈述句,在句子前面加if或whether,往往后面还要加上or not,常用whether...or not。

She cried, “You have made a big mistake,haven’t you?”(她大喊:“你犯了个大错,不是吗?”)

→She cried whether I had made a big mistake or not.(她大声喊着问我是不是犯了个大错。)



He asked me, “Do you like apples or bananas?”(他问我:“你喜欢苹果还是香蕉?”)

→He asked me whether I like apples or bananas.(他问我是喜欢苹果还是喜欢香蕉。)



句型:(肯定句)ask/tell... sb. to do sth.;(否定句)ask/tell... sb. not to do sth.

Miss Green said to Jane, “Please sit down.”(格林小姐对简说:“请坐。”)

→Miss Green asked Jane to sit down.(格林小姐请简坐下。)

The teacher said, “Pay attention to your spelling.”(老师说:“注意你们的拼写。”)

→The teacher told us to pay attention to our spelling.(老师告诉我们注意拼写。)

Joe said, “Don’t make so much noise,boys.”(乔说:“男孩们,别那么吵。”)

→Joe order the boys not to make so much noise.(乔让男孩们别那么吵。)




He said, “What a clever boy he is!”(他说:“多么聪明的男孩啊!”)

→He said what a clever boy he was./He cried that he he was a clever boy.


She said, “How interesting the film is!”

→She said how interesting the film was./She shouted that the film was interesting.


说明:感叹句转述为间接引语时,可以加上适当的修饰语,如with delight(高兴地),with a sigh(长叹一声)等。

He said, “What a fine day!”(他说:“多好的天气啊!”)

→He cried with delight that it was a fine day.(他高兴地叫道天气多好啊。)




I said, “He can speak English very well.”(我说:“他的英语说得很好。”)

→I said that he could speak English very well.(我说他的英语说得很好。)

We say, “You did quite well yesterday.”(我们说:“昨天你们做得相当不错。”)

→We say that you had done quite well the day before.(我们说你们那天做得相当不错。)




He says, “I’m tired.”(他说:“我累了。”)→He says he is tired.(他说他累了。)

He will say, “The girl was very beautiful.”(他将会说:“这个女孩过去很漂亮。”)

→He will tell you that the girl was very beautiful.(他将会告诉你这个女孩过去很漂亮。)


He asked, “Which star is the biggest?”(他问:“哪颗星星最大?”)

→He asked which star is the biggest.(他问哪颗星星最大。)

My father told me, “It’s important for kids to learn how to manage money.”


→My father told me (that) it is important for kids to learn how to manage money.



John said, “My son is ill today.”(约翰说:“我的儿子今天生病了。”)


John told me that his son was ill that day/yesterday.(约翰告诉我,他的儿子那天/昨天病了。)

→John told me that his son is ill today.(约翰告诉我,他儿子今天病了。)


He asked, “Where has Li Ming gone?”(他问:“李明去哪儿了?”)

→He asked where Li Ming has gone.(他问李明去哪儿了。)(表明李明未回来)

→He asked where Li Ming had gone.(他问李明去哪儿了。)(表明李明已回来)


Mr.Green said, “My son had gone to America when he graduated.”


→Mr.Green said that his son had gone to America when he graduated.



She said, “I had lived here for 10 years by the end of last year.”


→She said that she had lived there for 10 years by the end of last year.



He said, “I was born in 1990 and joined the army in .”


→He said that he was born in 1990 and joined the army in .




“Really,it is my fault,” he said.(他说:“的确,那是我的错。”)

→He admitted that it was really his fault.(他承认那的确是他的错。)

“Your idea sounds good,” the Sales Manager said.(销售部经理说:“你的主意听起来不错。”)

→The Sales Manager agreed that my idea sounded good.(销售部经理赞同我的主意不错。)



“I must do my homework now,” said Tom.(汤姆说:“我现在必须做作业。”)

→Tom said that he had to do his homework then.(汤姆说那时他必须做作业。)

5.“Would you please...?”如何变为间接引语

“Would you please...?”虽然是个一般疑问句,但它表示的是“请求”,变为间接引语时,一般用动词不定式来表示。


“Would you please have lunch with me tomorrow?” Mr.Zhu asked me.


→Mr.Zhu asked/invited me to have lunch with him the next day.


“Would you please pass me your dictionary?” she said to me.


→She asked me to pass her my dictionary.(她让我把我的字典递给她。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


A:What did you teacher say just now? B:He asked me __________ this morning.【长沙中考】





Tom said he __________ back in a week.





The policeman asked the child __________ so that he could take him home.【成都中考】





John asked me __________ to visit his uncle’s farm with him.




Final Check(实力测验)


1. “My parents are very well,” said Tom.


“Are you going to learn English?” asked Tom.


“I have given up smoking.” said my brother.


He said, “I can’t go to the party tomorrow.”


The old man said, “I don’t know where to go.”


He said, “I’ll tell Ann I saw you.”


He asked the boy, “Who are you?”


She asked me, “What’s wrong with you?”


The doctor said, “Stay in bed for a few days.”


Father said to his son: “Don’t shout!”


Tom said, “I woke up feeling ill,so I didn’t go to work.”


Mike said, “I have been to America twice.I went there in and in .”


She said, “By 9 o’clock last night I’d finished my homework.”


He asked, “Tom,where did you read it?”


He asked, “Why are you smiling?”


She asked, “It’s a beautiful day,isn’t it?”


The child always asks her mother, “Am I a good girl?”



1.He said me that he had been to the Great Wall twice.


2.The stranger asked me how could he get to the airport.


3.My mother tells me Washington D.C. was the capital of the USA.


4.The teacher told we had done our homework very badly.


5.I wonder if I’ll go to Kay’s party or not.


6.He told me that his father has gone to the other city on business.


7.Lily asked me could I do some shopping with her.


8.The president asked me how old I was?


9.Professor said,that the class was over,then he left the classroom in a hurry.


10.Mary told me she had watched that football match two days ago and the players had played well.


11.The librarian told to me I could borrow four books one time.


12.The other day I called my classmate,and he said he is ill in bed.


13.David asked his neighbor Miss Li if she could look after my dog when he went to the beach for his holidays.


14.A farmer says me his farm is not far from here.


15.Jack told he paid attention to the change.

























1.Tom said (that) his parents were very well.

2.Tom asked me/her/him/...whether/if I/she/he/...was/were going to learn English.

3.My brother said (that) he had given up smoking.

4.He said (that) he couldn’t go to the party the next day.

5.The old man said (that) he didn’t know where to go.

6.He said to me that he would tell Ann he had seen me.

7.He asked the boy who he was.

8.She asked me what was wrong with me.

(解说:What’s wrong with somebody?和What’s the matter with somebody?变为间接引语时,语序不变。)

9.The doctor told me/her/him/... to stay in bed for a few days.

10.Father warned his son not to shout.

11.(1)Tom said (that) he woke up feeling ill,so he didn’t go to work.

(2)Tom said (that) he had woken up feeling ill,so he hadn’t gone to work.

12.Mike said (that) he had been to America twice and that he went there in and in .

13.She said (that) by 9 o’clock the night before she had finished her homework.

14.He asked Tom where he had read it.

15.He asked me/her/him/... why I/she/he/... was/were smiling.

16.She asked me whether/if it was a beautiful day.

17.The child always asks her mother whether/if she is a good girl.


1.said me→told me或said to me

2.how could he get→how he could get(解说:即便宾语从句由疑问词引导,也应该用陈述句的语序。不要混淆简答句里的特殊疑问句和宾语从句。)



5.if→whether(解说:whether...or not是固定结构。)

6.has gone→had gone(解说:注意时态呼应。)

7.could I→if/whether I could(解说:注意宾语从句的语序,不要与一般疑问句混淆。)


9.said,that→said that

10.two days ago→two days before

11.told to me→told me或said to me


13.my dog→his dog(解说:在把直接引语改为间接引语的时候,要注意人称的变换。)

14.says me→says to me或tells me

15.told he paid→told him to pay


1.What you (have) told me is very important.

2.I have kept what you told me in mind.

3.This is what I want to tell him.

4.I don’t think it is going to rain tomorrow.

5.(1)We don’t think the meeting should be put off.

(2)We don’t think it necessary to put off the meeting.

6.I doubt whether/if this novel is worth reading.

7.I’m not sure whether/if you are right.

8.The students insisted that the boy (should) be punished.

9.He insisted that he had done nothing wrong.

10.It hasn’t been decided whether to build another school in the area.


1. “I never eat meat.” he said.

He said that ______ never ______ meat.

2. “I’ve found my wallet.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ ______ ______ wallet.

3. “I took it home with me.” she said.

She said that ______ ______ _______ it home with her.

4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”

The teacher said that the sun ______ in the east and ______ down in the west.

5. “I met her yesterday.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ met the day ______.

6. “You must come here before five.” he said.

He said that I ______ to go ______ before five.

7. “I bought the house 10 years ago.” he said.

He said that he _______ bought the house 10 years _______.

8. “Did you see her last week?” he said.

He ______ ______ I had seen her the week _______.

9. He said, “You can sit here, Jim.”

He ______ Jim that he ______ sit there

10. He asked, “How did you find it, mother?”

He asked her mother ______ ______ ______ found it.

11. “Where have you been these days?” he asked.

He asked me _______ _______ _______been _______ days.

12. “Do you know where she lives?” he asked.

He asked ______ ______ knew where she ______.

13. “Stop making so much noise, children.” he said.

He ______ the children ______ ______ making so much noise.

14. “Don’t tell him the news.” she said.

She told me _______ ______ ______ him the news.

15. “Are you intested in this?” he said.

He ______ ______ I was interestd in ______.


1. he, ate

2. told, had, found, his

3. she, had, taken

4. rise, goes

5. told, had, before

6. had, there

7. had, before

8. asked, if [whether], before

9. told, could

10. how, she, had

11. where, I, had, those

12. if [whether], I, lived

13. told, to, stop

14. not, to, tell

15. asked, if [whether], that


1. Our teacher asked us _____ our dictionaries to school.

A. bring B. brought C. bringD. to bring

2. The teacher told the boy students ______ football on the grass.

A. not playB. not to play C. played D. playing

3. ____ Tom didn’t go to school?

A. Do you know how B. Why do you know C. How you know why D. Do you know why

4. She looks sad. Could you please tell me _____ that prevents her from being as happy as before?

A. what it is B. it is what C. how it is D. it is how

5. Betty asked her sister ____ to the railway station to see her off.

A. not to come B. not to go C. to not come D. to not go

6. The pupil asked his teacher _____ round the earth.

A. weather the moon goes B. that the moon went

C. whether the moon goes D. whether the moon went

7. Mr. Li ____ Wang Ling ____ a taxi to the airport.

A. asked; take B. asked; taking C. told; take D. told; to take

8. She asked him ____.

A. whose dictionary this is B. whose dictionary that was

C. whose dictionary is this D. whose dictionary that is

9. Mary’s mother asked her _____.

A. that whether she had finished her homework B. if she has finished her homework

C. if she had finished her homework D. that if she had finished her homework

10. Do you know ____?

A. what is he doing B. what he doing

C. what he is doing D. what does he do now

11. I don’t know ____ to learn English.

A. when did he begin B. when he began C. he when began D. when he begins

12. He asked me ____.

A. how would the weather be like tomorrowB. what the weather would be like the next day

C. how the weather would be like tomorrowD. what would the weather be like the next day

13. You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Spring Festival presents.

A. how excited they were B. how excited were they

C. how they were excited D. they were how excited

14. She told me that she ____ by her relatives at the bus stop.

A. had been seen offB. have seen off C. have been seen off D. had seen off

15. Do you remember how many times ____ to Australia?

A. had you been B. did you go C. have you beenD. you have been

16. Can you guess ____?

A. what is that man B. who that man is C. whom that man isD. who is that man

17. More and more students and teachers have begun to know ____.

A. how important the foreign language areB. how the foreign language is important

C. how important the foreign language is D. how important is the foreign language

18. The hostess said that it ___ time that they ___ supper.

A. was; had B. was; had had C. is; have D. is; have had

19. The boss asked his secretary ____ he had finished typing the report ____.

A. if; or not B. if; not C. whether; or notD. whether; not

20. I wonder how much _____.

A. does he spend on his carB. did he spend on his car

C. he spent on his car D. he spent in his car


1—5DBDAB; 6—10CDBCC;11—15BBAAD;16—20BCACC


1."my mother took me to an exhibition yesterday."she said.

2."we are going to study in Australia next month."they said.

3."im checking your homework now."his mother said.

4."can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?"the man asked the policeman

5."is your son going to Shanghai today or tomorrow?"he asked.

6."do you remember what your aunt told you last night?"Li pings father asked him.

7."where shall i get off to change to a No.3 bus?"he asked the conductor.

8."how many car factories have been built in your country?"he asked me.

9."what did Edison do to help the doctor operate on his mother ?"the teacher asked.

10." go to the front at once!"the officer said to the soldiers.


1.She said her mother had took her to an exhibition the day before .

2.They said they were going to study in Australia the next month.

3.His mother said she was checking his homework then .

4.The man asked the policeman if he could tell him how to get to the nearest restaurant.

5.He asked whether my son was going to Shanghai that day or the next day.

6.Li pings father asked him if he rememberred what his aunt had told him the night before.

7.He asked the conductor where he could get off to change to a No.3 bus.

8.He asked me how many car factories had been built in my country.

9.The teacher asked what Edison had do to help the doctor operate on his mother.

10.The officer asked the soldiers to go to the front at once.
