600字范文 > 心疼到极致的伤感句子 感同身受 越看越想哭!

心疼到极致的伤感句子 感同身受 越看越想哭!

时间:2024-05-27 08:44:27


心疼到极致的伤感句子 感同身受 越看越想哭!


You can forget what you said, but I can , especially when Im upset, those words will attack me again and again, and I have nowhere to escape.


Don keep on teaching your boyfriend how to do it. The girl who begged for love won be loved. If he likes you, he will do it himself. You don need to say it.


I don know what Im doing. I know it will only push you further and further, but I just want to tell you that I love you.


I thought you would love me for a long time, I thought I was sad, you would feel sad, I thought I would be as anxious as I am when you are less, I thought as long as I love you all the time, you will not leave.


Your world, I quit, I will not stop you from running to a better person, but you will never know, I cry for you out of control, even I envy myself.


Its a pity. I don want to lose it, but I can help it. To be honest, the feeling of giving up and wanting to love really torments people. I try not to disturb you. You need to be good.


The five best words in the world, Ill find you, Ill buy it for you, well go home, I can do without you, lets get married. And I haven heard a word.

