600字范文 > 训练对我来说就是治疗 它创造了内心的平静和快乐

训练对我来说就是治疗 它创造了内心的平静和快乐

时间:2018-08-24 14:01:53


训练对我来说就是治疗 它创造了内心的平静和快乐

走近百大冠军147期Clare(WBFF气质形体冠军):训练对我来说就是治疗。Training is therapy.

从训练(田径)中得到的感觉,我无法用任何其他感觉来描述。I can t describe any other feeling like the one I get from training.

这是我唯一让我感受到真我的地方,它创造了内心的平静和快乐。It is the only place I feel my true self, it create a sense of inner peace and happiness.

我一直记得,我是竞技型运动员,在我把所有的重心放在健美之前,我是一名田径选手。For as long as I can remember I have been athletic, I started in track before putting all my focus into bodybuilding.

而田径运动总是激发着归属感和兴奋感。but athletics is something that always sparks that sense of belonging and excitement.

在伤病的战役之后,我几乎被打回原形,在多年的核心力量训练之后,现在,努力恢复平衡和运动能力是我的主要目标。I have almost come full circle, after injury battles, trying to achieve more balance and athleticism back again after years of hardcore weightlifting is my main goal right now.

这并不意味着我不健美了。This does not mean I am not bodybuilding.

我只是想增加一些多样性和灵活性,回到我的每周的固定训练,以恢复过度使用的伤害和不平衡。Im just trying to add some more variety and flexibility back into my weekly routine to recover from over-use injuries and imbalances.
