600字范文 > 趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 12:Going to a department store[1]

趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 12:Going to a department store[1]

时间:2021-01-20 21:28:14


趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 12:Going to a department store[1]

Dashan: Yes, Id like to. I like to walk around in big cities. You can always learn a lot about them. 大山:我愿意,我很喜欢在大城市里转转。这样总是能加深对这些城市的了解。 Yunbo: I agree. 云波:我同意你的看法。 Yunbo: Rumei, what do you think of these window displays? 云波:如梅,你觉得橱窗的展品摆设怎么样? Rumei: They e wonderful. Oh, look at this clothing store for children. The clothes are very cute and colourful. 如梅:好极了。 嘿,看这家儿童服装店的摆设。那些衣服样子多漂亮,颜色多鲜艳。 Yunbo: This store looks interesting. 云波:这家商店看起来很有意思。 Dashan: Oh, this store is Roots. Its a popular Canadian chain of clothing stores. Roots has stores across Canada and in other parts of the world. 大山:是啊,商场名字是“根”,是在加拿大很有名的服装连锁店,在加拿大全国以至世界各地都有它的分店。 Rumei: Lets go in. I like to browse in interesting stores. 如梅:我们进去看看吧。我喜欢在有意思的商场里浏览、逛游。 Yunbo Dashan: Okay. 云波 大山:好啊。 Clerk: Hi. May I help you? 售货员:您好。 我能为您效劳吗? Yunbo: Yes. Can I buy shoes here? 云波:在这里能买到鞋吗? Clerk: Certainly. We have great leather shoes. 售货员:当然可以,我们店出售质量上乘的皮鞋。 Yunbo: Wheres the shoe section? 云波:鞋部在什么地方? Clerk: Its on the lower level. You can take the stairs at the back of the store. 售货员:在下一层。你们可以走商场后部的楼梯。 Yunbo: Thanks. 云波:谢谢。 Yunbo: What do you think of my hiking boots? 云波:你觉得我的休闲鞋怎么样? Dashan: I like them. That style is very popular in Canada. Young Canadians like sporty, comfortable clothes. 大山:我觉得挺好。这个式样在加拿大很流行。加拿大的年轻人都爱穿休闲、舒适的衣服。 Rumei: Im crazy about my new sweatsuit. Its very soft and cosy. And I LOVE your new jacket, Dashan. 如梅:我特别喜欢我刚买的这件运动服,又柔软又舒适。大山,我还特别喜欢你这件刚买的夹克。 Dashan: Thanks for the compliment. I like the jacket, too. 大山:谢谢你的夸奖,我也喜欢。
