600字范文 > 趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 25:Travel by train[2]

趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 25:Travel by train[2]

时间:2022-08-14 18:22:11


趣味英语学习:情景对话 Lesson 25:Travel by train[2]

Bina: Yes, I did. But I liked visiting Xian best. Those terra cotta figures were amazing. 比娜:喜欢。但是我最喜欢西安。那里的兵马俑真是令人惊奇。 Rumei: You know, Ive never been to Xian. Yunbo, we should go there some Everyone tells us to go and see the figures of the warriors and horses. 如梅:你知道,我从未去过西安。 云波,有朝一日,我们得到西安去看看。人人都说我们应该去参观那里的兵马俑。 Dashan: Ive seen them and I agree. You really ought to go. 大山:我亲眼见到了,我同意他们的建议。你确实应该去看看。 Bina: So, tell me about your trip across Canada. 比娜:喂,给我讲讲你们的加拿大的旅行吧。 Yunbo: Well, weve had a wonderful time. We started out in Vancouver. We loved seeing British Columbia and meeting Dashans sister Monica. 云波:哦,我们过得非常开心。我们是从温哥华出发的。 我们很高兴访问了不列颠哥伦比亚省,见到了大山的姐姐莫尼卡。 Bina: Did you visit the Prairie provinces? 比娜:你们到平原三省去了吗? Dashan: Yes, we had a great time there. 大山:去了,我们在那里度过了愉快的时光。 Yunbo: But it was very cold. Ill never forget the snow. 云波:可是那里很冷。我永远也忘不了那里的大雪。 Rumei: In Ontario, Dashans friend invited us on a tour of his company. It was our first visit to a Canadian company. 如梅:在安大略省,大山的朋友邀请我们去参观了他的公司。我们是第一次走进 加拿大公司的大门。 Yunbo: I enjoyed learning about their new technology. 云波:了解公司的新技术我很高兴。 Rumei: And don forget to tell Bina about our dinner. 如梅:别忘了跟比娜讲我们的那次家宴。 Yunbo: Oh, yes. Dashans friends invited us to their home for dinner. It was great to see inside a Canadian home. 云波:对了,大山的朋友邀请我们到他家里去吃饭。 到加拿大人的家里去看看很有意义。 Bina: Did Dashan show you around Quebéc? 比娜:大山带你们去魁北克了吗? Rumei: Yes, Dashan speaks French very well. He took us to Quebéc city and Montreal. 如梅:去了,大山法语讲得很好,他带我们去了魁北克市和蒙特利尔市。 Yunbo: We also went to Prince Edward Island. I liked spending time in the countryside. 云波:我们还去了爱德华王子岛。能在乡村度过一段时光我很高兴。 Bina: Youve had quite a trip, haven you? 比娜:你们可是游历了不少地方啊。 Rumei: Yes, we have. And weve spoken English all the time, haven we? 如梅:是啊。而且,我们还一直讲英语,是吧? Dashan: Yes, we have. Okay, wed better decide on lunch. 大山:是的,好啦,我们最好决定吃什么饭吧。 Bina: Yes, I should look at the menu. Mmm... Im going to have the vegetable soup. 比娜:我得看一看菜单。哦,我要蔬菜汤。 Yunbo: Oh, look outside. Look at that lake. It looks like an ocean. 云波:啊,往外看呐。 看那大湖。 看起来就像是海洋。 Bina: Oh, thats Lake Superior. Its the largest of the five Great Lakes. 比娜:哦,那是苏必利尔湖,五大湖中最大的一个。 Dashan: Travelling by train is great. You can see so much. 大山:乘火车旅行真好,能观赏到这么多风景。 Bina: I agree. And it always relaxes me. 比娜:我同意你的看法。而且我总是能得到身心的松弛。 Server: May I take your order? 服务员:要点菜吗? Rumei: Bina, when are you going to take the ferry to Victoria? 如梅:比娜,你什么时候乘船到维多利亚? Bina: Im on the six oclock sailing tonight. And you? When are you going to catch your flight for Beijing? 比娜:今天晚上6点的渡轮。你们呢?去北京的航班是什么时候? Rumei: Tomorrow morning at seven oclock. Well, its been a wonderful trip. Ive really enjoyed talking with you, Bina. Lets keep in touch. 如梅:明天早晨7点。这次旅行太愉快了。 比娜,很高兴与你交谈。让我们保持联系吧。 Bina: I hope you will. Ill write to you. 比娜:我希望你跟我联系。我会给你们写信的。 Rumei: Id like that. 如梅:我希望这样。 Dashan: Well, it was nice to talk to you, Bina. Take care. 大山:比娜,跟你交谈我很高兴。多保重。
