600字范文 > 生活在精神疾病中 我的心依然无处安放

生活在精神疾病中 我的心依然无处安放

时间:2023-07-22 06:19:24


生活在精神疾病中 我的心依然无处安放

一句话瑜伽,第106期Josey:没有起床气感觉很好,健康的吃,吃我的药,水合物,做瑜伽。I can wake up feeling good without angry,eat healthy,take my meds,hydrate,do yoga.

得到阳光和自然,富有成效,但是,我的心依然无处安放!Get sun and nature,be productive and STILL have my mood completely plunmet out of nowhere!

生活在精神疾病中,要做的比仅坚持普通生活来的更多。Living with mental illness is so much more than sticking to a routine.

我需要做出健康的选择——有如此多的情绪需要处理。I need make healthy choices— so much of it is dealing with feeling.

这些颓事才不管你在做什么或者你有多么积极的想去努力。Like crap ,they don care no matter what you do or how positive you try to be.

有一件事或者也是最重要的事,时间可以帮到你。One of the things or maybe the biggest thing that helps is time.

随着时间的推移,在学习中不断尝试和犯错,学习如何处置自己的情绪和想法。Over time just learning by trial and error how to handle the feelings and the thoughts.

学会期待着什么或者如何应对未知的期盼。Learning what to expect or how to deal with not knowing what to expect.
