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遗骸 remain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-23 23:34:52


遗骸 remain英语短句 例句大全



1.Age and cause of death for tworemains of finless porpoise(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientails) found at the estuary of the Yangtze River长江口两头江豚遗骸的年龄及死因分析


1.Joint Exhumation Commission挖掘遗骸联合委员会

2.Permit to Import Human Remains人类遗骸进口许可证

3.handbook for postmortem examination of undetermined remains无名尸体遗骸检验手册

4.Pulverization of Cremated火葬后的遗骸代为研幼

5.His bones were laid in Westminster.他的遗骸安放在威斯敏斯特大教堂。

6.Shakespeare"s remains were guarded by a malediction.莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。

7.Human remains, especially after cremation or decay.骨灰人的遗骸,尤指在火化或腐烂后

8.KRA-UNC Remains Working Group人民军和联合国军司令部遗骸工作组

9.Beneath this stone repose the poet"s mortal remains, ie lies the poet"s corpse.在此石块下面埋葬着诗人的遗骸.

10."Titanic" was found the remains of the shipwreck.1985年,“泰坦尼克号”的沉船遗骸被发现。

11.Coal is formed from the remains of once-living things. It consists largely of ancient plant remains.煤是由曾经活着的生命物质的遗骸形成的,它主要由史前的古老植物的遗骸构成。

12.At Simonopetra[ Monastery] monks pile the bones of brothers in a charnel house.在这所修道院中,僧侣们把他们教友的遗骸累积在专门的存放遗骸的房子里。

13.Oil is formed by the decay of animal, and possibly some plant, remains in a reducing environment in sedimentary deposits.石油是在沉积物还原环境中由动物遗骸,可能还有一些植物遗骸的分解所形成的。

14.She stood wringing her hands over the remains of her husband.她绞扭着手站在她丈夫遗骸之前(表示悲哀)。

15."When you call me "senior", I feel like a prehistoric relic.你叫我‘前辈’,我已经觉得像史前原人的遗骸了。

16.Identification and preservation for Haogong man at neolithic age unearthedin Donguang city;东莞新石器时代“蚝岗人”遗骸的鉴定和保存

17.Age and cause of death for two remains of finless porpoise(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientails) found at the estuary of the Yangtze River长江口两头江豚遗骸的年龄及死因分析

18.Fossils include the remains and traces of animals and plants which are found naturally embedded in rocks.化石包括人们发现的天然埋藏在岩石中的动植物遗骸和遗迹。


remains (body)残骸,遗骸

3)Relics identification遗骸鉴定

4)Animal remains动物遗骸

1.Abundant chipped stones and animal remains from the layer of the Neolithic Age provide important materials for discussion on natural environment, food recourses and economical type in that period.新石器中晚期遗存中出土的大量打制石器和动物遗骸,为探讨新石器中晚期该地区的自然环境、实物来源、经济类型提供了重要信息。


1.Stability ofdiatom remains and their implications for forming environment.;硅藻遗骸的稳定性对硅藻土形成环境的指示



遗骸1.指弃置而暴露的尸体。 2.遗体;骸骨。
