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遗书 remaining documents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-20 14:55:22


遗书 remaining documents英语短句 例句大全

遗书,remaining documents

1)remaining documents遗书

1.This essay practises some proof-work with regard to Taoist doctines, fasting, social economy and literature in dunhangremaining documents.本文就敦煌遗书中道教典籍的斋醮、符、论道、社会经济等文书及道教文学作品作了有益的考述。


1.My aunt left me &2,000 in her will.我婶婶在遗书上将两千英镑遗赠给我。

2.They find themselves putting their papers in order, writing farewell letters.他们自己在整理文件,写遗书。

3.Study of Buddha s Name Preached by Buddha Sutra (Twenty Volumes) Belonging to Dunhuang Manuscript;敦煌遗书《佛说佛名经》(二十卷本)研究

4.The number of books stolen from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多.

5.The number of book steal from the library is large.图书馆遗失的书很多。

6.A large number of books have been stolen from the library.图书馆遗失了很多书.

7.The Concession of Insertion: A Study on Sexual Concern in Ashes of Love by MU Zimei;插入的退让:从遗情/书到遗性/书——论木子美《遗情书》中的性爱关切

8.Provisional Certificate of Receipt of Estate Duty遗产税收讫临时证明书

9.He looked all over for the lost book.他四处寻找遗失的书。

10.I believe the book to be lost.我相信这书已遗失。

11.an annual supplement to an encyclopedia百科全书的每年补遗

12.A testator-written will is one made in the testator"s own handwriting and signed by him, specifying the date of its making.自书遗嘱由遗嘱人亲笔书写,签名,注明年、月、日。

13.A notarial will may not be revoked or altered by a testator-written will, a will written on behalf of the testator, a will in the form of a sound- recording or a nuncupative will.自书、代书、录音、口头遗嘱,不得撤销、变更公证遗嘱。

14.They willed all their books to the city library.他把所有的书都遗赠给了市图书馆。

15.Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.学生遗失图书馆的书会挨罚的。

16.Ten Exempla on Discussing an Addendum of Collate of Nan Qi Shu Edited by Zhonghua Shuju中华书局本《南齐书》校勘商榷、补遗十例

17."Yes. They are the notarial will, the testator-written will, the will written on behalf of a testator, the will made in the form of sound-recording and the nuncupative will. "是的,这5种形式是:公证遗嘱,自书遗嘱,代书遗嘱,以录音形式立的遗嘱和口头遗嘱.

18.Scroll from Heaven and Taishan Mountain---From Incidents of the Age of Xuanhe to view Water Margin;天书与泰山——从《宣和遗事》看《水浒传》成书之谜



3)Chuan Shan""s Surviving Books《船山遗书》

4)calligraphy vestiges书法遗迹

1.In the history of calligraphy,a mass of problems aboutcalligraphy vestiges edition appeared in Song Dynasty.书法史上,书法遗迹版本问题的大量出现是在宋代,宋以前不明显。

5)Ashes of Love《遗情书》

1.The Concession of Insertion: A Study on Sexual Concern inAshes of Love by MU Zimei;插入的退让:从遗情/书到遗性/书——论木子美《遗情书》中的性爱关切

6)Ercheng Yishu二程遗书

1.The Ercheng Yulu in the Zhu Ru Ming Dao Ji was edited by the anonymous person in the Southern Sony Dynasty,it was another more complete book in the contents for the Ercheng Yulu,which was read for us except theErcheng Yishu and Ercheng Waishu were compiled by ZhuXi up to now.南宋无名氏所编《诸儒鸣道集》收录的《二程语录》,是迄今为止我们所能看到的除朱熹所编《二程遗书》和《二程外书》之外,又一部内容比较完备的二程语录本子。


遗书1.指前人的遗着﹑遗作。 2.指前人的藏书。 3.指散佚的书。 4.谓留下书信。 5.死者临死时留下的书信;遗嘱。
