600字范文 > 西方经济学 western economics英语短句 例句大全

西方经济学 western economics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-10 21:48:58


西方经济学 western economics英语短句 例句大全

西方经济学,western economics

1)western economics西方经济学

1.Researches on Chinese economic issues by use of theoretical analytical methods ofwestern economics;浅谈用西方经济学的理论分析框架研究中国经济问题

2.Discussions on the Case Teaching in Western Economics;西方经济学案例教学探讨

3.Probe into the Teaching Method the Course of the <Western Economics>;对《西方经济学》教学方法的探讨


1.The Relationship between Western Economics and Teaching of Political Economics西方经济学与政治经济学教学的关系

2.The Schools of Economics ?西方经济学主要流派

3.The west economics is one of basic economics courses.西方经济学是经济学基础理论课之一。

4.On the Interrelationship among Economics, Political Economics and Western Economics in Terms of the Classification of Economics;从经济学的分类看经济学、政治经济学与西方经济学之间的关系

5.Teaching reform probe on Western Economics in financial Universities and Colleges;财经院校《西方经济学》教学改革探讨

6.Subject Quality of Economics--With Maxist Economics Transcendence of Western Economics;论经济学的学科性质——兼论马克思经济学对西方经济学的超越

7.Research on the Course Teaching of "Western Economics" in Independent Colleges独立学院《西方经济学》课程教学研究

8.On Influences of New Institutional Economics on Western Economics;论新制度主义经济学对西方经济学的影响

9.Effect of Western Economics in Study of Economics of Education;西方经济学对教育经济学研究的影响刍议

10.Review of the Controversy between New Classical Economics and Marx′s Economics;对西方经济学与马克思主义经济学之争的反思

11.The Relationship between Marxist Economics and Western Economics-Another Discussion;也谈马克思主义经济学与西方经济学的关系

12.The Shared Ideas of Western Economists on Macroeconomics;西方经济学家在宏观经济学上的若干共识

13.Ultimate Concern of Economics: An Inspection of the Ethical Traditions of Western Economics;经济学的终极关怀:西方经济学伦理传统的审视

bining Confucius s Doctrine of Mean with Theories of Marxist andWestern Economics;孔子中庸观与马克思经济学、西方经济学的综合

15.Political Macroeconomics ──A New School of Western Economics;政治宏观经济学──西方经济学中的一个新流派

16.Popper s Falsificationism and Methodology of Western Economics;波普尔证伪主义与西方经济学方法论

17.There is a forest of schools in western economics.西方经济学的特点之一是学派林立。

18.Analysis of the Teaching Approach of Western Economics Course in Vocational College;浅析高职高专西方经济学课程教学法


economics[英][,i:k?"n?m?ks][美]["ik?"nɑm?ks; "?k?-]西方经济学

1.The Relationship between Western Economics and Teaching of Political Economics西方经济学与政治经济学教学的关系

2.The content ofeconomics course determines that multimedia is ideal teaching method and means.西方经济学的课程内容决定了多媒体是其理想的教学方法和手段。

3.According to the problem,the article carry out teaching reform,and explore the teaching reform methods and measures to enhanceeconomics courses teaching quality in Vocational College.一些高等职业院校在西方经济学课程教学中还存在教学目标不清、内容繁杂和方法不当等问题,与高职的素质教育要求差距较大。

3)the Western Economics西方经济学

1.The Dissmination ofthe Western Economics Thought in China in the 30 s of 20th Centuries;概论20世纪30年代西方经济学思想在中国的传播

2.Research on the Relationship between the Marxist Economics andthe Western Economics;马克思主义经济学与西方经济学的相互关系研究

3.Therefore,the training of formal logic thinking is a necessity in the teaching ofthe Western Economics.因此,在西方经济学教学中,加强大学生的形式逻辑思维培养训练实属必要。

4)economics teaching西方经济学教学

1.On the value guidance in theeconomics teaching;西方经济学教学中的价值观引导问题

5)western micro-economics西方微观经济学

1.A New Probe into Approaches to Teaching Western Micro-economics in Colleges of Higher Vocational Technology;高职《西方微观经济学》教学方法新探

6)western mainstream economics西方主流经济学

1.According to the new perspective from evolutionary ontology, the fundamental assumptions on reality postulated bywestern mainstream economics are completely inconsistent with the basic structure and nature of economic reality.西方主流经济学的分析框架是以对实在基本假定为基础的,但根据演化本体论,这种对实在的基本假定却背离了经济实在的根本结构和性质,它将有机层级结构还原为原子式个体,将开放系统简化为封闭系统,排除了对于理解经济系统绝不可少的解释要素。

2.This article compareswestern mainstream economics with Marxist economics from Lakatos theory of research framework.运用拉卡托斯的研究纲领理论对西方主流经济学体系与马克思主义经济学体系进行了比较,在梳理两大经济学体系内涵的基础上,笔者提出了两大经济学体系理论内核的主要区别在于对人的研究、价值理论、产权理论和市场经济理论。

3.In our country,some economists worship of Western mainstream economics has made the development of Marxist political economy faced with the grave situation.由于我国学者对西方主流经济学的崇拜,马克思主义政治经济学的发展面临严峻考验。


