600字范文 > 西方主流经济学 western mainstream economics英语短句 例句大全

西方主流经济学 western mainstream economics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-01 19:36:06


西方主流经济学 western mainstream economics英语短句 例句大全

西方主流经济学,western mainstream economics

1)western mainstream economics西方主流经济学

1.According to the new perspective from evolutionary ontology, the fundamental assumptions on reality postulated bywestern mainstream economics are completely inconsistent with the basic structure and nature of economic reality.西方主流经济学的分析框架是以对实在基本假定为基础的,但根据演化本体论,这种对实在的基本假定却背离了经济实在的根本结构和性质,它将有机层级结构还原为原子式个体,将开放系统简化为封闭系统,排除了对于理解经济系统绝不可少的解释要素。

2.This article compareswestern mainstream economics with Marxist economics from Lakatos theory of research framework.运用拉卡托斯的研究纲领理论对西方主流经济学体系与马克思主义经济学体系进行了比较,在梳理两大经济学体系内涵的基础上,笔者提出了两大经济学体系理论内核的主要区别在于对人的研究、价值理论、产权理论和市场经济理论。

3.In our country,some economists worship of Western mainstream economics has made the development of Marxist political economy faced with the grave situation.由于我国学者对西方主流经济学的崇拜,马克思主义政治经济学的发展面临严峻考验。


1.A Comparative Study of the Marxist Economics and Western Mainstream Economics;马克思主义经济学与西方主流经济学比较

2.Does Behavior Economics Bring about the Revolution in Mainstream Economics;行为经济学是对西方主流经济学的革命吗

3.On the Development of the Scientific Revolution and the Popular Economics in West;论科技革命与西方主流经济学的发展

4.A Review on the Consumer Behavior of Western Mainstream Economics;西方主流经济学的消费行为理论述评

5.The philosophical foundation of western major economics is philosophy of science.西方主流经济学的哲学基础是科学哲学。

6.Study on Comparison between Western Major Economics Research Programmes and Marxist Economics Research Programmes;西方主流经济学研究纲领与马克思主义经济学研究纲领比较研究

7.On the Development and Defects of Western Mainstream Economics from the View of Economic Methodology从经济学方法论的视角看西方主流经济学的演变与缺陷

8.The Effects of Hussel Philosophy System on the Western Mainstream Economics;胡塞尔哲学体系对西方主流经济学的影响

9.Dilemma of WTO Shakes the Basis of Mainstream Economics;WTO的困境动摇了西方主流经济学的根基

10.Criticism on Western Contemporary Mainstream Economics-a Theoretical Review;当代西方主流经济学批评:一个理论述评

11.Motivations for Enterprise Merging Explained in Mainstream Economics;西方主流经济学对企业并购动机的综述

12.The Historical Evolution of the Western Mainstream Economics Paradigm and the Succession and Reconstruction of China Economics Paradigm;西方主流经济学范式的历史演变与中国经济学范式的传承重建

parison Between Marxian Economics and Western Modern Economics;马克思经济学与西方主流经济学比较——逻辑体系与核心概念

14.An Examination of the Concept of Efficiency in Prevailing Western Economics from the Aspect of Economic Value;从经济价值观角度看西方主流经济学中的效率范畴

15.Two False Problems in Western Mainstream Economics;西方主流经济学中的两个伪问题——评均衡价格与经济均衡

16.Engel s Theoretical Preference Concerning Western Mainstream Economics in His Later Years;恩格斯晚年对西方主流经济学研究的主要理论取向

17.A Leap from Rationality to Irrationality--The theory of evolvement of methodology of the Western mainstream economics;“理性”向“非理性”的飞跃——简论西方主流经济学方法论的演进

18.The Schools of Economics ?西方经济学主要流派


Modern Western Mainstream Economics现代西方主流经济学

3)Western mainstream macroeconomics西方主流宏观经济学

4)western mainstream legal economics西方主流法经济学

1.On general content ofwestern mainstream legal economics construction form;论西方主流法经济学构造范式的一般内容

5)non-mainstream western economics西方非主流经济学

6)mainstream contemporary western economics当代西方主流经济学


