600字范文 > 抗灾救援 disaster-resistance rescue英语短句 例句大全

抗灾救援 disaster-resistance rescue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-12 17:57:04


抗灾救援 disaster-resistance rescue英语短句 例句大全

抗灾救援,disaster-resistance rescue

1)disaster-resistance rescue抗灾救援

pensation mechanism for emergency transport indisaster-resistance rescue抗灾救援应急运输补偿机制研究

2)rescue relief救援救灾

3)disaster relief灾难救援

1.Role and responsibility of nurses indisaster relief;灾难救援中护士的角色和职责


1.The Effects of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing on Mental Intervention of the Disaster Relief Soldiers紧急事件应激晤谈对灾难救援人员的早期心理干预疗效

2.Personnel Frame of All-round Nursing Model in International Disaster Rescue国际灾难救援中全科护理模式下的人员配置结构

3.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

4.Thinking About Relief and Assistance Measures to Victims for Their Disaster Mental Health After Wenchuan Earthquake;汶川震后的灾难心理救援对策与思考

5.Techniques of Drawing up the Emergency Rescue Preplans for Drilling Accidents钻井事故灾难应急救援预案编制技术

6.On the Construction of Disaster Early Warning & Rescuing Mechanism under Globalization Environment;论全球化背景下灾难预警与救援机制建设

7.United Nations disaster Assistance Coordination联合国救灾援助协调(救灾协调)

8.mutual aid fire消防队互援扑救的火灾

9.special economic and disaster relief assistance特别经济和救灾援助

10.National Natural Disaster Relief Center国家自然灾害救援中心

11.Emergency Rescue Team of Earthquake Disasters地震灾害紧急救援队

12.providing relief assistance to refugees and disaster victims, countering global crime, drugs and terrorism;向难民和受灾者提供救济援助,打击全球犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义;

13.A Prospective Study on Psychological Crisis Intervention to On-the-Spot Rescuers in Accidental Disaster Event突发灾难事件中现场救援人员心理危机干预的前瞻性研究

14.The Emergent Rescue System Based on the Wireless Sensor for the Dieaster Caused by the Dangerous Cargoes基于无线传感器网络的危险品灾难应急救援系统

15.The Red Cross Society aids flood victims.红十字会援助水灾难民。

16.National Coalition for Haitian Refugees全国救援海地难民联盟

17.BMSD (Boom Defense and Marine Salvage Department)布栅防御和海难救援处

18.The flood victims were in instant need of help.水灾难民急需救助。


rescue relief救援救灾

3)disaster relief灾难救援

1.Role and responsibility of nurses indisaster relief;灾难救援中护士的角色和职责

4)Disaster Rescue灾害救援

1.The application in the disaster rescue of the life detection system base on sound wave is introduced.本文介绍了声波探生系统在城市灾害救援中的应用,采用无线通信模块nRF24E1构建系统的无线传输机制,克服了以往有线探生设备的局限,具有较大范围的适用性。

2.Objective To investigate factors influencing mental health status of emergency room(ER) nurses coping with disaster rescue situation.结论应重视急诊护士应对灾害心理健康状况的变化,加强灾害时急救技术培训和有效的心理危机干预,提高护士应对灾害救援的心理素质。

5)disaster relief灾害救援

1.Design of military medical supply management information system of urbandisaster relief on the basis of geography information system;基于地理信息系统灾害救援军队药材供应管理信息系统设计

2.Military hospital anddisaster relief--For example a relief in case of earthquake;军队医院与灾害救援——以地震灾害救援为例

6)emergency rescue and disaster prevention救援防灾

1.Due to the features of Wushaoling tunnel, the Owner places great emphasis on theemergency rescue and disaster prevention and construction safety.根据乌鞘岭隧道特点,介绍了建设单位重视隧道救援防灾和施工安全工作,充分利用设计、施工、监理、科研单位及专家咨询活动,策划隧道施工和运营期间的救援防灾预案,不断优化隧道防塌安全技术措施,并认真组织实施,收到了良好的成效,做法是可行的。


