600字范文 > 山地温泉酒店 Mountain hot spring hotel英语短句 例句大全

山地温泉酒店 Mountain hot spring hotel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-10 09:38:13


山地温泉酒店 Mountain hot spring hotel英语短句 例句大全

山地温泉酒店,Mountain hot spring hotel

1)Mountain hot spring hotel山地温泉酒店

1.Mountain hot spring hotel is a kind of leisure place which is located in the tourist sites that the mayor sights are the mountain or hilly areas,looks hot spring as the carrier,operates around a certain theme culture of the human health, providing accommodation,food and beverage,entertainment and other facilities and services.山地温泉酒店是坐落在以山地或丘陵地区为主要景观的旅游区,以温泉为载体,以保健养生为主体文化,提供住宿、餐饮、娱乐等设施和服务的休闲场所,它是温泉酒店的一种特殊类型。

2)Hot spring hotel温泉酒店

1.Hot spring hotel is a kind of hotel which operates around a certain theme of the human health.温泉酒店是以温泉健康养生为主题的酒店,在人们重视体验的时代,温泉酒店的成功需要为客人提供美好难忘的体验。


1.Tea Tree SPA of Crowne Plaza Hainan Spa & Beach Resort:Spring of Beauty海南皇冠假日滨海温泉酒店 TEA TREE SPA:美女之泉

2.Study on Spa Resort Hotel Products of Zhougong Mountain Forest Park Hot Spring Area in Sichuan四川周公山森林公园温泉区温泉度假酒店产品研究

3.The product design of hot spring hotel on the base of customer experience;基于顾客体验的温泉主题酒店的产品设计

4.The hot spring water is of silicate heavy soda type, containing rich trace elements beneficial to human health.华源温泉海景度假酒店的泳池水与客房热水是从地下260米开采出来的温泉水。

5.Private chef: for hot spring villa guests. Famous chefs from5- star hotel prepare delicious food for you.私家御厨:针对入住温泉别墅的客人。五星级酒店大厨亲临客房为您烹制美味佳肴。

6.Study on Resorts" Management to Health Experience度假酒店(村)的健康体验经营管理研究——以广东江门市古兜温泉旅游度假村为例

7.The hotel is all important member of the Dongguan Lung Chuen Group and coordinates with Dongguan Lung Chuen International Hotel from afar.本酒店是东莞龙泉集团的重要成员之一,与虎门龙泉国际大酒店遥相呼应,组成姐妹店。

8.Analysis of Catering Management Strategies of Star Hotel Based on Consumer Behavior--Take Quanzhou Humei Hotel and Licheng Hotel as Examples;基于顾客消费行为的星级酒店餐饮经营策略分析——以泉州湖美酒店和鲤城酒店为例

9.Individuation Administration for the Hotel in China--Then discussing the individuation administration for Quanzhou hotel;中国饭店业的个性化经营——兼论泉州酒店的个性化经营

10.With addition of Hokkaido wine with favorable fragrance, it can relieve rigidity of muscles and activate collaterals, and promote blood circulation, perfect for middle and aged people.泉中加入正宗北海道酒,酒香醉人、舒筋活络,促进人体血液循环,中老年人浸泡此温泉最佳。

11.Calculation and Analysis of Temperature Effect in Xiamen Garden International Hotel厦门花园国际大酒店温差效应计算与分析

12.The Yunessun also offers baths of coffee, tea and Japanese sake.箱根町温泉胜地还向游客提供咖啡浴、茶浴及日本米酒浴。

13.The brewing techniques of loquat fruit wine were studied and the effects of different fermentation temperature and sugar content on wine quality were also analyzed.以龙泉枇杷为原料研究批把果酒生产工艺,考察不同发酵温度、糖浓度对果酒质量的影响。

14.Statistics to March 17th from the company state that the scenic spots received nearly 10,000 tourists per day and the room rate for the two 5S hotels reached 99%.据海泉湾本月17日前统计,日接待总量达上万人次,两间五星级酒店开房率达99%。

15.“Hot spring fountainhead” means a natural site where the hot spring is discharged.四温泉露头:指温泉自然涌出之处。

16.L"Office National du Tourisme et du Thermalisme国家旅游和温泉管理处(旅游温泉处)

17.Tourists luxuriate in the hot baths in a hot spring resort.观光者们在温泉胜地尽情享受温泉

18.The place is celebrated for its hot springs [as a hot spring resort].那个地方以温泉 [作为温泉休闲地] 闻名。


Hot spring hotel温泉酒店

1.Hot spring hotel is a kind of hotel which operates around a certain theme of the human health.温泉酒店是以温泉健康养生为主题的酒店,在人们重视体验的时代,温泉酒店的成功需要为客人提供美好难忘的体验。

3)hot spring hotels温泉度假酒店

4)Hot Springs Hilly Resort山地温泉度假村

1.Hot Springs Hilly Resort in good ecological environment and unique shower experience, the people have been favored to become the new generation of tourist products darling.山地温泉度假村以其良好的生态环境和独特的沐浴体验,得到了人们的青睐,成为新一代旅游度假产品的宠儿。

5)Dongguan hotel山庄酒店

6)Jiuquan basin酒泉盆地

1.Structural feature and oil/gas accumulation rule in Kulongshan mountain ofJiuquan basin;酒泉盆地窟窿山构造特征与油气成藏规律

2.A Description of Fracture Features and Its Formation Mechanisms in Qingxi Oilfield,Jiuquan Basin,Gansu;甘肃酒泉盆地青西油田裂缝特征及成因分析

3.Cretaceous - Cenozoic regional tectonic evolution inJiuquan basin and petroleum exploration;酒泉盆地白垩纪-新生代区域构造演化与油气勘探




