600字范文 > 温泉度假酒店 hot spring hotels英语短句 例句大全

温泉度假酒店 hot spring hotels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-20 04:07:53


温泉度假酒店 hot spring hotels英语短句 例句大全

温泉度假酒店,hot spring hotels

1)hot spring hotels温泉度假酒店


1.Study on Spa Resort Hotel Products of Zhougong Mountain Forest Park Hot Spring Area in Sichuan四川周公山森林公园温泉区温泉度假酒店产品研究

2.Tea Tree SPA of Crowne Plaza Hainan Spa & Beach Resort:Spring of Beauty海南皇冠假日滨海温泉酒店 TEA TREE SPA:美女之泉

3.The hot spring water is of silicate heavy soda type, containing rich trace elements beneficial to human health.华源温泉海景度假酒店的泳池水与客房热水是从地下260米开采出来的温泉水。

4.Study on Resorts" Management to Health Experience度假酒店(村)的健康体验经营管理研究——以广东江门市古兜温泉旅游度假村为例

5.The Spring Vacation House is equipped with a private outdoor natural hot spring.温泉度假房配有独立的室外天然温泉池。

6.On The Management of Hot Spring Tourist Zone;论温泉度假区的管理——以四川周公山温泉度假旅游区为例

7.The product design of hot spring hotel on the base of customer experience;基于顾客体验的温泉主题酒店的产品设计

8.Onsen resorts are found all over Japan.整个日本都可以找到温泉度假地。

9.Your Best Choice for Vacation and Leisure Taking– Longmen Hot Spring!龙门温泉是您休闲度假的最佳选择!

10.Reflections on the Development of Leisure Hot Spring Tourism in Dunchun;对开发顿村温泉度假休闲旅游的思考

11.Sheraton Sanya Resort--The Home of Miss World三亚喜来登度假酒店:世界小姐的家

12.Greetings from Gloria Resort Sanya!来自三亚凯莱度假酒店最亲切的问候!

13.How to Mold the Regional Characteristic of Resort Hotel Interior Space;度假酒店室内空间的地域性特色塑造

14.Scheme Analysis of Taihu Mingzhu Hotel湖州太湖明珠度假酒店结构方案探讨

15.Region Research on Interior Design of Tour Cabaret旅游度假酒店室内设计的地域性研究

16.A Study of the Design of Hot-Spring Product by the Tourist s Behavior of Sichuan Hot-spring Resorts;基于四川温泉度假地游客消费行为的温泉产品研究

17.Hello? Is that Holiday Inn?喂,是假日酒店吗?

18.Evaluation of Tourist"s Satisfaction Degree of Dongda Hot Spring Resort Area in Xi"an City西安市东大温泉度假区游客满意度评价


Hot spring hotel温泉酒店

1.Hot spring hotel is a kind of hotel which operates around a certain theme of the human health.温泉酒店是以温泉健康养生为主题的酒店,在人们重视体验的时代,温泉酒店的成功需要为客人提供美好难忘的体验。

3)resort hotel度假酒店

1.Design of Hangzhou Fuchunshanresort hotel;解读杭州富春山居度假酒店设计

2.The culture and distinction of the guest room inresort hotels;度假酒店客房设计的文化性及异质性

3.How to Mold the Regional Characteristic of Resort Hotel Interior Space;度假酒店室内空间的地域性特色塑造

4)Mountain hot spring hotel山地温泉酒店

1.Mountain hot spring hotel is a kind of leisure place which is located in the tourist sites that the mayor sights are the mountain or hilly areas,looks hot spring as the carrier,operates around a certain theme culture of the human health, providing accommodation,food and beverage,entertainment and other facilities and services.山地温泉酒店是坐落在以山地或丘陵地区为主要景观的旅游区,以温泉为载体,以保健养生为主体文化,提供住宿、餐饮、娱乐等设施和服务的休闲场所,它是温泉酒店的一种特殊类型。

5)Hot Spring Resort温泉度假区

1.Research on Planning ofHot Spring Resort;温泉度假区规划方法研究

6)hot-spring resort温泉度假地

1.Since the hot-spring itself is the main part of thehot-spring resort product, its design is the key to the development of such resorts.温泉产品作为温泉度假地产品的主要构成部分,其设计的好坏决定了度假地发展的成败。




