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国史 national history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-28 12:45:42


国史 national history英语短句 例句大全

国史,national history

1)national history国史

1.A Study on the Deng Yuan s Guoji and the Writting of the Northern Wei National History;邓渊《国记》与北魏国史修撰

2.The Liangzhou scholars were involved in the cultural and academic activities of Northern Wei,including amending laws,revising and compilingnational history as well as initiating schools and giving lectures.凉州士人在北魏从事的文化学术活动主要有参与修订律令、修著国史以及置馆讲学等方面,尤其是在参与制定北魏朝廷典章制度方面影响深远。

3.The per iodization ofnational history in the new era is an important theoretical issue.新时期国史分期问题是一个重要的理论问题。


1.A Survey of American History.【美国史概论 】((书名))。

2.Famous Historical Records of Three Kingdoms--A Commentary on Annals of Three Kingdoms;记述三国史的著名史籍——《三国志》述评

3.“A People s History of the United States”--A Book Which Rectifies the American History;《美国人民史》——一部美国史的佳作

4.History,Learning and Nation in China:Thoughts and Historical Research of Four Tsinghua Historians in the Early Years of the Republic国史、国学与国家——浅释民初清华国学研究院四位史家之思想与史学

5.On the Compiling Method, Historical Views and Historical Thought of Historical Records of Three States;论《三国史记》的编撰方法、历史观及史学思想

6.OnJiao Hong sView of Historiography -And Reviewing hisGuoshijingjizhiof Historical Sort ;论明焦的史学思想——兼评其《国史经籍志·史类》

7.The culture of history officials develops extremely in China, and, historians emerging in an endless stream.中国史官文化极其发达,史家层出不穷。

8.Historiography and History of Journalism: An Analysis of "Power Without Responsibility--the Press,Broadcasting and New Media in Britain";史学与新闻史——以《英国新闻史》为例

9.The"History Fact"and"History Cognition"in Chinese Law History Research中国法制史研究中的“史实”与“史识”

10.history of Chinese education(science)中国教育史(学科)

11.A Diplomatic History of China: 1911-1949中国外交史(1911-1949)

12.The Historical Atlas of China《中国历史地图集》

13.history of foreign countries education(science)外国教育史(学科)

14.National Museum of American History国立美国历史博物馆

15.International Conference on Chinese Architectural History中国建筑史国际会议


17.The Scientification of History: A New Thread of Thought for Investigating the History of History in Modern China史学科学化:考察中国近代史学史的新思路

18.A Study of Teng Gu"s Historiography of Chinese Painting History during the Republic of China between 1912 and 1949;1912-1949年民国绘画史学史视野下的滕固史学


Chinese history of historiography中国史学史

1.On the Teaching and Learning of Chinese History of Historiography《中国史学史》课程教学的探索与实践

2.The article will discuss the problem of the reform in the course ofChinese history of historiography from two aspects,that is,the compilation of the proper teaching material and the reform in teaching methods.教材、教法是教育改革的两项重要内容,中国史学史的教学也不例外。

3.The essay talking about his discussion on research task ofChinese history of historiography, and on important question advancing in the history of Chinese historiography, and on programming about aim of construction of Chinese historiography .白寿彝关于中国史学史学科建设的器局和设想 ,是他在中国史学史研究领域的突出贡献之一 ,也是他的史学思想体系中的重要内容。

3)history of Chinese historiography中国史学史

1.Study onhistory of Chinese historiography developed from its first phase during which the discipline s content was just like brief introduction and commentary of works to the last phase in which the study has been set in the view of history and times.从要籍解题式的中国史学史研究到历史、时代视野下的中国史学史研究,中国史学史学科建设经历了颇为艰辛的发展过程。

4)Chinese Prehistory中国史前史

1.The accomplishment of the manuscript of Chinese History:Remote Antiquity created the condition for Su Bingqi bringing forward rebuilding Chinese prehistory.《中国通史·远古时代》一书书稿的完成 ,为苏秉琦正式提出重建中国史前史创造了条件。

5)Chinese historiography中国史学史

1.The latest trends ofChinese historiography and its prospects;最近中国史学史学科的发展趋势及展望

2.He clings to the academic idea of " keeping an overall situation in mind and standing at one’s own field ",He has cultivated diligently in the history research field ofChinese historiography.王树民先生既能潜心读书,又好作深沉之思,坚守“胸怀全局,行守本位”的学术理念,在中国史学史研究领域辛勤耕耘,推出了以《中国史学史纲要》为代表的成果后,继续深入进行史学史研究,成果别具特色,自成一家。

3.The researches inChinese historiography experienced two rises and falls in the last 50 years of the 20 th century.在 2 0世纪的后 5 0年中 ,中国史学史研究经历了两落两起的过程 ,即 5 0年代的相对寥落 ,6 0年代前期的活跃 ,6 0年代中期至 70年代中期的沉寂 ,以及 70年代末至今的迅速发展。

6)History of Chinese Medicine《中国医史》

1.K.Chimin Wong and Wu Lien-Teh sHistory of Chinese Medicine and It s Chinese Version;王吉民、伍连德的《中国医史》及其中译本


