600字范文 > 《册府元龟·国史部》 Cefuyuangui·State History英语短句 例句大全

《册府元龟·国史部》 Cefuyuangui·State History英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-21 06:08:32


《册府元龟·国史部》 Cefuyuangui·State History英语短句 例句大全

《册府元龟·国史部》,Cefuyuangui·State History

1)Cefuyuangui·State History《册府元龟·国史部》


1.A Study of the Historical Values of the State History of Cefuyuangui《册府元龟·国史部》史学思想初探

2."Ce Fu Yuan Gui, Wai Chen Bu" Center the Northeast Historical Data Compiles Collates (Second Part);《册府元龟·外臣部》东北史料辑校(二)

pilation and Collation of the Northeast Historical Data from "Ce Fu Yuan Gui·Wai Chen Bu" (First Part);《册府元龟·外臣部》有关东北史料辑校(一)

4."Ce Fu Yuan Gui·Wai Chen Bu" the Northeast Historical Data Compiles Collates (Third Part);《册府元龟·外臣部》东北史料辑校(三)

5.Differentiate and Analyze the Paper Textual Research About Ce Fu Yuan Gui Cites the Tang True Records, Unofficial Histories and Novels;《〈册府元龟〉引唐实录、杂史、小说考》辨析

6.The Codification of Ce FuYuan Gui and the Value and Historical Material Resource of Tang Part in It;《册府元龟》的撰修以及其中唐代部分的史料来源与价值

7.The part of jing has 260 volumes, the part of shi 670 volumes, the part of zi 370 volumes and the part of ji 500 volumes.其中经部260册,史部670册,子部370册,集部500册,全部共1800册。

8.Any of several burrowing tortoises of the genus Gopherus, especially G. polyphemus of the southeast United States.穴居沙龟一种穴居龟属的穴居龟,特指产于美国东南部的穴居陆地龟类

9.The ventral part of the shell of a turtle or tortoise.腹甲海龟或陆龟的龟甲的腹部部分

10.large greenish June beetle of southern United States.美国南部大型并发绿色的六月鳃金龟。

11.large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico.美国南部和墨西哥北部河水中的大型龟。

12.burrowing tortoise of the arid western United States and northern Mexico; may be reclassified as a member of genus Xerobates.产于美国西部和墨西哥北部干旱地区的穴居龟。

13."Subject to this Part, a Government ship is registrable."在符合本部的规限下,政府船舶可注册。

14.Ad Hoc Committee of Heads of State and Government on Southern Africa南部非洲问题国家元首和政府首脑特设委员会

15.river turtle of western United States with a warty shell; prefers quiet water.美国西部壳上生疣的河龟;喜欢在安静的水里。

16.primarily a prairie turtle of western United States and northern Mexico.最初产于美国西部和墨西哥草原或牧场的龟。

17.He said," Today, June 15, 2001, will be written into the annals of history.他说:“今天,公元2001年6月15日,将载入史册。

18.A company limited by shares which increases its registered capital shall submit the approval documents from the state-authorized department or the people"s government of a province,股份有限公司增加注册资本的,应当提交国务院授权部门或者省人民政府的批准文件


Ce Fu Yuan Gui·Wai Chen Bu《册府元龟·外臣部》

pilation and Collation of the Northeast Historical Data from "Ce Fu Yuan Gui·Wai Chen Bu" (First Part);《册府元龟·外臣部》有关东北史料辑校(一)

3)Ce Fu Yuan Gui《册府元龟》

1.The paper Textual Research AboutCe Fu Yuan Gui Cites the Tang True Records, Unofficial History and Novels, wrote by Mr.吴浩先生撰写的《〈册府元龟〉引唐实录、杂史、小说考》一文 ,对于我们认识《册府元龟》的价值有一定的启发。

2.The Codification of Ce FuYuan Gui and the Value and Historical Material Resource of Tang Part in ItMa Weibin Abstract : Ce fu yuan gui.《册府元龟》是北宋真宗时,王钦若等奉敕编修的g一部记述历代君臣事迹的大型类书,也是宋四大部书中最大的一部,共1000卷。

4)Ts"e-fu yuan-kui册府元龟

5)history; annals史册

6)American Southern History美国南部史


