600字范文 > 十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers英语短句 例句大全

十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 19:41:34


十面埋伏 House of Flying Daggers英语短句 例句大全

十面埋伏,House of Flying Daggers

1)House of Flying Daggers十面埋伏

1.The film,House of Flying Daggers directed by Zhang Yimou, expresses another style of his movie-- magnificence, which can be found not only in star cast and motion design but also in the special effects of photography and the scenery.《十面埋伏》无论是演职人员的阵容、动作设计、摄影特技,还是场景画面,都表现出张艺谋电影的另一种风格即华丽,这对中国电影的多样化发展无疑又是一个贡献。

2.House Of Flying Daggers is a widely spread and famous pipa solo with a long history.《十面埋伏》原是我国流传已久的、著名的琵琶独奏曲,取材于历史上楚汉相争中决定胜负的重要战役———垓下之战。


1.Surrounded on all Sides, also known as The State of Han Conquers the State of Chu.《十面埋伏》,又名《淮阴平楚》。

2.We set an ambush on all sides, waiting for the enemy to come into the trap.我们设下十面埋伏,专等敌人自投罗网。

3.Ambush from Ten Sides: Metaphor of “Heart Prison” and Possibility of a Breakthrough;《十面埋伏》:“心狱”的隐喻与“突围”的可能

4.On Zhang Yimou s Aestheticism--A Review of Movie House of Flying Daggers;张艺谋电影的唯美倾向——评《十面埋伏》

parison of the Styles in Shi Mian Mai Fu and Ba Wang Xie Jia;《十面埋伏》与《霸王卸甲》风格之比较

6.The Quintessence of Military Pipa lute Melodies--Companion Pieces :《Ambush》 and 《Disarmouring》琵琶武曲之精华——姊妹花《十面埋伏》与《霸王卸甲》

7.A Comparative Appreciation of Millitary Pipa lute of Ambush on All Sides and The Emperor Discards His Armor;《十面埋伏》与《霸王卸甲》琵琶武曲比较赏析

8.The Comparision of Nrrating between the Film Titanic and House of Flying Daggers;影片《十面埋伏》与《泰坦尼克号》的叙事特点比较

9.Discussion on the Performance Thought and Performance Disposal of the Accordion Solo House of Flying Daggers手风琴独奏曲《十面埋伏》演奏思路及演奏处理

10.These two complementary works are representative of the "martial suite"pipa genre.该曲与《十面埋伏》互为对应,同为琵琶武套中的代表作品。

11.There"s sb. lurking behind that bush.有人埋伏在灌木丛后面。

12.The murderer lurked behind the trees.谋杀者埋伏在树后面。

13.The rifles lay behind the hill waiting for the order to fire.步枪队埋伏在小山后面,等待命令开火。

14.The rifle lie behind the hill wait for the order to fire.步枪队埋伏在小山後面,等待命令开火。

15.Four men lead by a sergeant lie in ambush at the crossroads.由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口

16.Four men led by a sergeant lay in ambush at the crossroads.由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口。

17.(2) The battlefield, which is again divided into the ambush, the engagement at Cockcrow Hill and the battle of Mount Jiuli;(2)战斗场面,次序为:⑥埋伏、⑦鸡鸣山小战、⑧九里山大战;

18.For example, one of our army units crossed the river and hid for ten days without the enemy knowing.我们曾开过江去一支部队,埋伏了十天,敌人还不知道。


Ambush from Ten Sides《十面埋伏》

1.Ambush from Ten Sides: Metaphor of “Heart Prison” and Possibility of a Breakthrough;《十面埋伏》:“心狱”的隐喻与“突围”的可能

3)Ambush on All Sides《十面埋伏》

1.A Comparative Appreciation of Millitary Pipa lute ofAmbush on All Sides and The Emperor Discards His Armor;《十面埋伏》与《霸王卸甲》琵琶武曲比较赏析

4)his sample is derived from a traditional pipa solo piece "The Ambush", performed by Liu Fang on June 13, 1999, recorded live by the Society of Radio-Canada (producer: Lorraine Chalifoux)The whole piece is found in the album The Soul of Pipa (2).十面埋伏节


1.The Role of Spiral CT in Diagnoses and Localization ofEmbedded Supernumerary Tooth;螺旋CT在埋伏多生牙定位诊断和拔除中的作用

2.Objective To observe the curative effects of self-made hang hooks on correcting deeply embedded teeth.目的探讨应用自制套钩矫治深度埋伏牙的临床疗效。

6)Impacted tooth埋伏牙

1.Objective To analyze stress around the impacted tooth by constituting a 3-dimensional finite element model of impacted tooth, consequently offer reference basis for clinic traction treatment.目的通过建立埋伏牙的三维有限元模型,分析不同加载力下埋伏牙的牙周应力,从而为临床上正畸牵引治疗埋伏牙提供基础实验依据。

2.Objective To explore a new method of fabricating individualized attachment bonded to impacted tooth using rapid prototyping.目的快速成形技术应用于埋伏牙个体化牵引装置的设计与制作。

3.Impacted tooth is a common disease in dental clinics.确定埋伏阻生牙的三维位置是制定治疗计划的关键,因此对埋伏牙准确定位至关重要。


