600字范文 > 农牧交错带 ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry英语短句 例句大全

农牧交错带 ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-21 14:26:29


农牧交错带 ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry英语短句 例句大全

农牧交错带,ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry

1)ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry农牧交错带

1.Land use pattern and technique characterized as eco-economic type in theecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry of Bashang areas of Hebei Province;河北坝上农牧交错带生态经济型土地利用模式与技术

2.Changes in land use of theecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in north China-a case study of Village Yaoledianzi in Inner Mongolia;中国北方农牧交错带农村土地利用变化因子分析——以内蒙古尧勒甸子村为例

3.Zhenlai county in Jilin Province is taken as a typical area to explore the universal land use pattern under ecological security inecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in Northeastern China.东北农牧交错带位于中国北方农牧交错带的东部三北交接农牧交错区[2 ] ,土地利用上具有农牧交错、时农时牧的特点。


1.Analysis on Rural Household s Purpose of Stock Raising Management in the Farming-pastoral Ecotone;农牧交错带农户农牧业经营目标分析

2.Effects of Grazing Policies on Animal Husbandry in a Farming-Pastoral Zone;禁牧政策对农牧交错带典型区畜牧业的影响

3.The Study of the Mechanism of Black Soil (Chernozem) in North China Agro-pastoral Ecotone;温带农牧交错带黑(钙)土退化机理研究

4.The Studies on Effects of Artificial Fencing on Rehabilitation of Vegetation in the Ecotone of Agriculture-animal Husbandry;北方农牧交错带封育区植被恢复研究

5.Processes on the Boundary Definition of Agro-pastoral Zone in China;农牧交错带边界判定方法的研究进展

6.The Ecology-production Mode of the Interveining Regions of Meadow and Agricultural、Stock Raising Areas of Our Country;我国草地与农牧交错带生态——生产模式

7.Characteristic Analysis on Sand-Storm in Farming-Pastoral Ecotone of the North of Mount Yin;阴山北部农牧交错带沙尘暴特性分析


9.The Maize Proper Harvesting Methods in the Ecotone Between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northeast China东北农牧交错带玉米的适宜收获方式

10.Research about Animal Husbandry s Developmental Direction in Farming-Pasture Production Area of the West Liaoning Province;辽西农牧交错带畜牧业发展方向的研究

11.Analysis of the external economic effects of animal husbandry in the agro-pastoral transition zone of North China华北农牧交错带畜牧业外部经济效应解析

12.Study on Agricultural Structure Adjustment of Agricultural Pastoral Ecotone of Northern Part of Yinshan Mountain;阴山北麓农牧交错带农业结构调整研究

13.Energy Analysis on Typical Peasants Household System in the Ecotone Between Agriculture and Pasture in North China;北方农牧交错带典型农户系统的能值分析

14.The Study on Ecology Construction and Increasing Peasants Income in Half-grazing Zone--Take Half-grazing Zone of the Northern Foot of YinShan as the Study Case;农牧交错带生态建设与农民增收问题的研究——以阴山北麓农牧交错带为例

15.Mechanism and Environmental Effects of Land Use Option of Household in Farming-grazing Transitional Zone;农牧交错带农牧户土地利用选择机制及其环境效应

16.The Mechanism and Effects of Agro-pastoral System Coupling and System Contrary in the Northern Ecotone;北方农牧交错带农牧系统耦合及相悖的机理及效应

17.Spatial Differentiation Pattern of Production Structure in the Farming-pastoral Crisscross Zone of North China;北方农牧交错带农林牧业生产结构类型空间分异特征研究

18.Relationship between Farming and Animal Husbandry Economics of Ecological Economy Systems in Agro-Pastoral Region;农牧交错带复合生态经济系统农牧业经济关系研究


Farming-pastoral zone农牧交错带

1.Assessment of agricultural drought vulnerability:taking Xinghe County in farming-pastoral zone in North of China as a case;农业旱灾脆弱性评价——以北方农牧交错带兴和县为例

2.A review on the study of optimized eco-productive paradigm in the farming-pastoral zone of North China;中国北方农牧交错带优化生态-生产范式

3.The farming-pastoral zone of northern China plays a dual role in ecological conditions andproduction and occupies an important position in the national economy.中国北方农牧交错带的生态、生产双重功能决定了其在国民经济发展中的重要战略地位。


1.A Study on Technical Approaches in Improving Water Use Efficiency of Courtyard Rain-Collection in Ecotone of North Loess Plateau;黄土高原北部农牧交错带提高庭院集雨经济转化利用效率的技术途径分析

2.Study on the Technique of Grass and Crop Strip Intercropping for Controlling Wind Erosion at Ecotone in North Area of Yinshan Mountain;农牧交错带粮草带状间作防风蚀保土效应的研究

3.Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Soil Water in Houshan Gentle Slope Hill Region of Ecotone in Inner Mongolia;农牧交错带缓坡丘陵土壤水分空间分布特征——以内蒙古后山为例

4)Agro-pastoral transitional zone农牧交错带

1.Effect factors analysis of soil erosion in the agro-pastoral transitional zone after cropland being transformed into grassland;农牧交错带退耕还草地土壤风蚀影响因子分析

2.Effects of utilization years on soil physical properties in the agro-pastoral transitional zone after cropland’s being transformed into grassland;利用年限对农牧交错带退耕还草地土壤物理性质的影响

3.Effects of returning cultivated land to herbage on soil organic matter and nitrogen in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of north China;农牧交错带退耕还草对土壤有机质和氮的影响

5)ecotone between agriculture and pasture in North China农牧交错带

1.The Wuchuan county of Inner Mongolia, situated in theecotone between agriculture and pasture in North China,was taken as the study example.以农牧交错带的典型县———内蒙古武川县为例,计算出武川县生态系统水土保持、涵养水源、气候调节和维持营养物质循环等服务的总价值为6179638。

2.Agricultural structure adjustment is necessary under the condition of aggravating ecological environment and lower income of peasant in theecotone between agriculture and pasture in North China.农牧交错带的农业产业结构调整在生态环境不断恶化、农民收入增长乏力的状况下势在必行。

3.Two typical production systems belonging to two different peasant households in theecotone between agriculture and pasture in North China were analyzed based on the approach of energy.本文通过对北方农牧交错带两个典型农牧经营的农户的生产系统进行能值分析研究后表明在该地区总体上他们仍未摆脱广种薄收的生产方式,能值产投比的增加是依靠畜群超载数量的增加,这样对环境产生了巨大的压力。

6)the farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China北方农牧交错带

1.Spatial changes of boundary based on land use and climate change inthe farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China;基于土地利用和气候变化的北方农牧交错带界线变迁

2.Based on the characteristics of ecosystem types,NPP and vegetation coverage inthe farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China,by adopting RS and GIS technology,integrating with methods of ecology-economics,this paper measured the value of ecosystem services and its dynamic change.基于1986年和2000年北方农牧交错带生态系统类型、NPP和植被覆盖度的分布,利用遥感和GIS技术,结合生态经济学方法,测算了北方农牧交错带生态系统服务功能的经济价值及动态变化。


内蒙古农牧学院内蒙古农牧学院始建于1952年 ,原名内蒙古畜牧兽医学院 ,1960年改为现名。内蒙古农牧学院是内蒙古自治区建立的第一所本科高等院校。学院经过40多年的建设与发展,已发展成为一所以农牧业学科为主,专业配置较全的综合性学校。设有11个系、3院、2部、2基地、1中心。现有在校生5000余人,教职工1571人,其中教授76人,副教授238人,讲师328人。学院为博士学位授予单位,“动物营养学”、“草原科学”为博士学位授权学科专业,现有硕士学位授权点20个。兽医病理学、动物营养与饲料加工、草原科学、农业水土工程等学科为自治区级重点学科。 学院创办以来,为国家和自治区培养各级各类专业人才27000余人 ,其中研究生351人。年平均承担课题总数、年平均获奖课题总数及科研总经费连续数年在内蒙古自治区高校中名列第一。
