600字范文 > 农牧林交错区 agriculture and animal husbandry ecotone Lin英语短句 例句大全

农牧林交错区 agriculture and animal husbandry ecotone Lin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-28 13:05:56


农牧林交错区 agriculture and animal husbandry ecotone Lin英语短句 例句大全

农牧林交错区,agriculture and animal husbandry ecotone Lin

1)agriculture and animal husbandry ecotone Lin农牧林交错区


1.Eastern Inner Mongolia Crop Farming and Animal Husbandry Ecotone Lin Climate Assessment of Production Potential内蒙古东部农牧林交错区作物气候生产潜力评价

2.Effect Evaluation of Reforesting Application on Farmland in the Alpine Farming-pastoral Ecotone;高寒农牧交错区退耕还林政策实施效应评价

3.Straw-Grassland farming in grain-forages production mosaic region,northeast China东北农牧交错区“草地-秸秆畜牧业”概论

4.Conflict and Harmonious Development between Eco-construction and Rural Economy in Farming-pastoral Zone--A Case Study in Yulin City;农牧交错区生态建设与农村经济耦合发展研究——以榆林市为例

5.Empirical Study on New Rural Construction of Farming and Pastoral Ecotone in Western Jilin Province吉林省西部农牧交错区新农村建设实证研究——基于四县的调查

6.Effects of Grazing Policies on Animal Husbandry in a Farming-Pastoral Zone;禁牧政策对农牧交错带典型区畜牧业的影响

7.A Study on Arable Land Quantity Evaluation in Ecotone of Farming, Pasture and Forestry in North by Using RS&GIS;RS&GIS支持下的北方农林牧交错区耕地质量评价研究

8.Food Supply and Grain for Green Project in the Water-wind Erosion Compound Areas of Farming and Grazing Interlaced Zone in Northern China;中国北方农牧交错带风水蚀复合区的粮食与退耕还林(草)问题

9.Implementation and Suggestion to the Re-afforestation Engineering in Typical Zonesof Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi Agro-pastoral Belt;关于宁、蒙、陕农牧交错带重点地区退耕还林(草)工程实施情况与建议

10.Farmland Resources Management in Interlock Areaof Farming,Foresting and Pasturing-Taking Horqin Right Wing Front Banner in Inner Mongolia as an Example;农林牧交错区耕地资源管理初探——以内蒙古科右前旗为例

11.The Research of Characteristics of Soil Restoration of Conversion Cropland to Forest in the Farming-pastoral Zone--Taking Example of Zhuozi County农牧交错区退耕还林地土壤恢复特征的研究——以内蒙古卓资县为例

12.Researches on the Stratagem of Sustaining Agriculture in Interlaced Region of Agriculture and Pasture;农牧交错区农业可持续发展战略研究

13.Analysis on Affecting Factors of Agriculture-Stock Raising Development in Northern Interlacing Agro-pastoral Region;我国北方农牧交错区农牧业发展影响因素分析

14.The Landscape Structure and Its Function and Ecological Regionalization of the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northeast China;东北农牧交错区景观结构、功能与区划

15.Nutrient Use Efficiency of Main Plants in an Agro-pastoral Ecotone of Northern China;农牧交错区主要植物的氮素利用效率

16.The Studies on Effects of Artificial Fencing on Rehabilitation of Vegetation in the Ecotone of Agriculture-animal Husbandry;北方农牧交错带封育区植被恢复研究

17.A Study of Ecological and Environment Water Requirements in Northern Interlacing Agro;北方农牧交错区生态环境需水量研究

18.Eco-environmental Construction and The Development of Grass Industry in the Farming-Pastoral Ecotone;农牧交错区生态建设与草业开发研究


interlock area of farming-foresting-pasturing农林牧交错区

3)HeLinGeEri agro-pastoral region和林格尔农牧交错区

4)pasture and forest interlaced region牧林交错区

5)farming-pastoral zone农牧交错区

1.Driving forces analysis of land-use pattern changes based on logistic regression model in thefarming-pastoral zone:A case study of Ongiud Banner,Inner Mongolia;基于logistic回归模型的农牧交错区土地利用变化驱动力分析——以内蒙古翁牛特旗为例

2.Take Yulin for example,the paper analyses the conflicts between eco-construction and rural economy infarming-pastoral zone,including: imbalance between personal cost and social income,contradiction of eco-construction and food supplies,large number of agricultural remain.农牧交错区既是经济发展落后的地区,又是生态环境敏感区域。

3.Farming-pastoral zone of Songnen Plain is one of ecological vulnerable zones, and one of three concentrating distribution zones of saline-alkalize land which located in the west of Songnen Plain, the east offarming-pastoral zone.松嫩平原农牧交错区位于松嫩平原的西部,中国北方农牧交错带的最东端; 具有独特的地质环境特点,环境问题突出,是我国生态脆弱地区之一,及世界三大苏打盐碱土集中分布区之一。

6)agro-pastoral zone农牧交错区

1.GIS-based land-use eco-security evaluation in typicalagro-pastoral zone;基于GIS的典型农牧交错区土地利用生态安全评价

2.The climate varieties ofagro-pastoral zone in the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and their impact on grass land vegetation;青藏高原东北部农牧交错区气候变化及其对草场植被的影响


