600字范文 > 温泉水域场所 hot spring bathing spot英语短句 例句大全

温泉水域场所 hot spring bathing spot英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-31 04:54:42


温泉水域场所 hot spring bathing spot英语短句 例句大全

温泉水域场所,hot spring bathing spot

1)hot spring bathing spot温泉水域场所

1.Sanitary survey ofhot spring bathing spots in Changping district,Beijing北京市昌平区温泉水域场所卫生现况调查分析


1.Sanitary survey of hot spring bathing spots in Changping district,Beijing北京市昌平区温泉水域场所卫生现况调查分析

2.Analysis of Water Hygiene in Swimming Pools in Quanzhou City from to 泉州市~游泳场所水质卫生状况分析

3.The Project Content: The proving up, exploiture of the hotspring. The construction of the pipe net and the water supply operation.项目温泉资源的勘探、采,温泉供水管网建设,温泉供水经营。

4.Thermal Spring Nourishing Cream温泉水保湿滋润面霜

5.Eggs boil by the heat of the spring.温泉的热水可以煮鸡蛋。

6.A Study of Hydrochemistry and Isotopes of Baimiao Hot Spring, Chicheng Hot Spring and Tangzimiao Hot Spring;白庙温泉、赤城温泉及塘子庙温泉的水化学及同位素研究

7.sparkling mineral water from springs at Vichy France or similar to it.法国维希温泉产出的冒泡矿泉水或类似的水。

8.Spa: Spring or resort with thermal or mineral water for drinking and bathing.矿泉疗养地有可供饮用或沐浴的热水或矿泉水的温泉或旅游胜地。

9.At lava Hot Springs in Idaho, visitors may bathe in the thermal mineral waters.在爱达荷的溶岩温泉,游客可在热矿泉水中洗澡。

10.A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air.间歇泉间歇向空中喷水花和蒸汽柱的天然温泉

11.A promenade along the water at a resort.海滨人行道度假区水域边的散步场所

12.Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Spring Discharge Area and Protection Measures to Water Resources;泉域地下水数值模拟及泉源保护对策研究

13.Recreational coupon only be allowed using in recreation ground. following course do not discount rates (golf course , hot spring bath , foot care and supermarket.仅限娱乐场所使用(高尔夫项目、温泉保健、足浴和超市可以用娱乐礼券但不享受折扣优惠)。

14.The latter then told him to rinse his face with the water of the Hot Spring of Mount Li and this proved highly efficacious.神女指点他用温泉水洗面,疮疾果愈。

15.The fact is that the spring on Mount Hui has been there from time immemorial. That is why Mount Hui is also known as Hui"Quan"Shan or Hui Spring Hill where the spring is a source of top-quality water well-known in China.事实上,惠山自古就有泉,所以“惠山”也叫“惠泉山”,泉水甘冽,驰名天下。

16.heated and/or cooled enclosed location升温和[或] 降温封闭场所

17.The salinity and temperature of the water from submarine springs are indicators, which can be used for a detailed location of the spring mouth.从水下泉出来的水的含盐度和温度可以作为泉口准确位置的指示。

18.Analysis of Risk Decision Making for Groundwater Exploitation within Jinci Spring Area, Shanxi Province晋祠泉域地下水开采决策的风险分析


spa pool温泉浴场

1.Interpretation onspa pool of Peter Zumthor from view of construction从建构的视野解读彼得·卒姆托的温泉浴场

3)water body of hot spring温泉水体

4)Wenquan reservoir温泉水库

1.Vibroflotation method for dam foundation liquefaction treatment inWenquan reservoir;振冲法在温泉水库坝基液化加固处理中的应用

5)Fashui hot spring法水温泉

1.Based on the geological and geophysical investigati on in geothermal anomaly area ofFashui hot spring,the distribution conditions o f underground thermal water and the geological\|geophysical characteristics in t he area are analyzed.法水温泉的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果 ,热源主要来源于地壳深部。

2.Located in a tectonic uplift region in Zixi county, Jiangxi province, theFashui hot spring along the Erkou Shixia fault belt is a typical intermountain basin type hot spring with a geothermal anormaly area less than 1km 2.法水温泉位于江西资溪县境内。

6)thermal water温泉水<能>


