600字范文 > 木制日历 wooden calendar英语短句 例句大全

木制日历 wooden calendar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 17:19:10


木制日历 wooden calendar英语短句 例句大全

木制日历,wooden calendar

1)wooden calendar木制日历

2)calendar year日历年度;年历制

3)control of calendar time limit日历时限控制


1.Production of Calendar and Clock with Excel用Excel制作日历和时钟

2.Based on the teaching management and the implementation of the necessary,using word VBA technology,the teachingcalendar Timetable was designed and developed with the intention of serving the educators and improving work efficiency.本文根据教学管理及实施工作的需要,利用word VBA技术设计和开发了日历式教学课表,意在服务于教育工作者,提高工作效率。

3.The paper presents a shortcut method in solving incorrect date , which couldn t indicate normally in Moodlecalendar, it provides good help to platform managers.介绍Moodle中日历模块不能正常显示日期问题的一种快捷解决方法,以期给Moodle平台的管理者提供方便帮助。


1.Updates the Calendar with birthdays and anniversaries from the Address Book.用通讯簿中的生日和纪念日更新日历。

2."There is not enough common working time between the task calendar and the calendars for the assigned resources. Change one or more of the calendars.""此任务的日历和资源日历没有足够的重叠时间。请更改日历。"

3.Update the Calendar with new birthday and anniversary information from the address book each time you open the Calendar.每次打开日历时,都以通讯簿中的新生日和纪念日信息更新日历。

4.Let me check my calendar first.先让我查一下我的日历。

5.date corrector operating lever stud日历调整器操作杆桩

6.What"s the date today? I don"t have a calendar.今天是几号?我没有日历。

7.He tore a leaf from the calendar.他从日历上撕下一页。

8.a pictorial calendar, magazine, etc带画的日历、 杂志等.

9.Do not forget to buy me a calendar.别忘了给我买本日历。

10.Do you have next year"s calendar?你有明年的日历吗?

11.They went into the house and looked at a calendar.他们到家里看日历。

12.Yes, it is. It"s my calendar.是的。这是我的日历。

13.The calendar default policy %1 was set as the managing policy by the calendar event %2.Calendar default policy: %1 Calendar: %2日历默认策略 %1 被日历事件 %2 设置为管理策略。日历默认策略: %1日历: %2

14."This task has insufficiently intersecting task and resource calendars. The task"s calendar or the calendar of the resources assigned to it should be changed.""此任务的日历和资源日历没有足够的重叠时间。请更改任务日历或分配给该任务的资源的日历。"

15.Advanced Woman Calendar is a precise and user-friendly personal ovulation calendar that monitors the menstrual cycle .女性日历是一款容易使用且友好的个人日历。

16.New Year"s Day (Muharram 1)回历元旦(回历1月1日)回历1月1日

17.Monumenta Germaniae Historica《日耳曼历史文献》

18.His specialty is Japanese history.他的专长是日本历史。


calendar year日历年度;年历制

3)control of calendar time limit日历时限控制


1.Production of Calendar and Clock with Excel用Excel制作日历和时钟

2.Based on the teaching management and the implementation of the necessary,using word VBA technology,the teachingcalendar Timetable was designed and developed with the intention of serving the educators and improving work efficiency.本文根据教学管理及实施工作的需要,利用word VBA技术设计和开发了日历式教学课表,意在服务于教育工作者,提高工作效率。

3.The paper presents a shortcut method in solving incorrect date , which couldn t indicate normally in Moodlecalendar, it provides good help to platform managers.介绍Moodle中日历模块不能正常显示日期问题的一种快捷解决方法,以期给Moodle平台的管理者提供方便帮助。


1.There are some errors in the reading of thecalendar part in E Jina Bamboo Slip from Han Dynasty.《额济纳汉简》历日简的整理存在一些阙疏,一是整理者的疏忽,"始建国四年"误释为"始建国一亖年","乙丑"误释为"乙未";二是书手的问题,"建平"年号仅用四年,而书手写作"建平五年","始建国三年三月"当为"庚申朔",而书作"癸亥朔";三是《二十史朔闰表》、《中国史历日和中公历日对照表》两书出现推断矛盾,对"居摄二年正月壬戌"推算二者相差达三十天,以简文可证后者为正;对"建武四年九月戊子"、"始建国三年三月甲寅"的推算两表不一,可以简文正之。

2.Thecalendar "癸嬛" on the bamboo slips unearthed from Geling in Xincai was originally explained as癸亥",but several days of August in that year were in contradiction with the explanation.新蔡葛陵楚简(狂鸟)郢之岁夏夕之月的历日"癸嬛"原释为"癸亥",与根据简文推知的该年八月朔丙辰或丁巳相矛盾。

6)calendar day日历日


日历1.历书之类。 2.今指记有年﹑月﹑日﹑星期﹑节气﹑纪念日等的本子﹐一年一本﹐每日一页﹐逐日揭去。有挂在墙上的﹐也有摆在桌上的。 3.史官按日记载朝政事务的册子。是史官纂修国史的依据。 4.犹日记。
