600字范文 > 木制百叶窗帘 wooden blind and shutter英语短句 例句大全

木制百叶窗帘 wooden blind and shutter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 20:34:52


木制百叶窗帘 wooden blind and shutter英语短句 例句大全

木制百叶窗帘,wooden blind and shutter

1)wooden blind and shutter木制百叶窗帘

1.It is hoped that the article could help the readers to understand the industrial standard of slats ofwooden blind and shutter, so as to improve the related production and research.介绍木制百叶窗叶片的主要理化性能及检测方法,以便加强对《木制百叶窗帘和百叶窗用叶片》行业标准的理解,更好地指导企业生产和对该产品的研究。

2)Venetian shades; Venetian blinds百叶窗帘


1.The lab could be equipped with a shutter w made of non-cotton and non-synthetic fibre materials.实验室安装百叶窗帘,不要使用布质和化纤材料窗帘。

2.DBDPE for the Flame-retardant Finish of Polyester Venetian Curtains十溴二苯乙烷用于涤纶百叶窗帘的阻燃整理

3.Some Technology of Full-Processing of the Baiye Curtain Fabric百叶窗帘织物全成形加工的若干工艺研究

4.clip, of base metal, for curtains, blinds or portieres窗帘,百叶窗或门帘夹,贱金属制

5.motorized hardware-blinds,shades,draperies电动控制五金-用于百叶、帷幕及窗帘

6.They had not put up the shutters, and the curtains were only half closed.他们还没有关上百叶窗,窗帘也只是半开半掩。

7.Don"t use blinds. Heavy curtains keep in more heat in winter.不要使用百叶窗。冬天使用厚窗帘,可减少热量散失。

8.Something, such as a window shade or a Venetian blind, that hinders vision or shuts out light.遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体

9.venetian blind dynode软百叶帘电子倍增歧极

10.not provided with shutters or having the shuttered open.没有百叶窗或百叶窗开着的。

11.blind and similar articles of plastics塑料百叶帘以及类似物件

12.The House With the Green Shutters有绿色百叶窗的房子

13.radiator louver antisqueak散热器百叶窗减声片

14.radiator shutter control散热器百叶窗操纵件

15.She closed the shutters.她把百叶窗拉好了。

16.She shut the blind directly.她马上把百叶窗关上了。

17.The windows were shuttered.窗户安上百叶挡板。

18.Shutters that are fast against the rain.能够挡雨的百叶窗.


Venetian shades; Venetian blinds百叶窗帘

3)sun blind百叶窗;窗帘

4)motorized hardware-blinds,shades,draperies电动控制五金-用于百叶、帷幕及窗帘

5)air-inlet wood shutters进负口木百叶窗

6)venetian blinds百叶帘

1.External aluminium alloyvenetian blinds not only can insulate heat,regulate light and reflect ultra-violet ray,but also has good weather resistance.外遮阳铝合金百叶帘不仅可隔热、调光、反射紫外线,且耐侯性佳、轻质高强、色彩丰富,适用于新建建筑配备或既有建筑改造,是一种节能效果显著、发展前景广阔的新型建筑节能设施。


百叶窗1.亦作"百页窗"。 2.一种用木条板斜叠成鳞状﹐能启闭透风和蔽雨蔽光的窗扇。
