600字范文 > 公明供水调蓄工程 Gongming Water Supply Project英语短句 例句大全

公明供水调蓄工程 Gongming Water Supply Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-20 01:45:42


公明供水调蓄工程 Gongming Water Supply Project英语短句 例句大全

公明供水调蓄工程,Gongming Water Supply Project

1)Gongming Water Supply Project公明供水调蓄工程

1.Seismic analysis of the intake tower of the ShenzhenGongming Water Supply Project深圳公明供水调蓄工程进水塔抗震分析


1.Seismic analysis of the intake tower of the Shenzhen Gongming Water Supply Project深圳公明供水调蓄工程进水塔抗震分析

2.Research on Collapsible Loess Ground Treatment of Dingbian Water Supply Project;定边供水工程调蓄水池湿陷性黄土地基处理措施研究

3.Economic analysis of water transfer projects based on public-private partnerships and water rights;调水工程公私合作供给与水权的经济学分析

4.Analyse The Application Of The Technology Of The Chilled Water Storage In The Air-Conditioner System;试论水蓄冷技术在空调工程中的应用

5.Analysis of Engineering Benefit of Hongze Lake Raising Water Level of Sluice;南水北调东线洪泽湖抬高蓄水位工程效益分析

6.Operating Risk Analysis of the Storage Subsystem in the East Route Project of South-North Water Diversion南水北调东线工程蓄水系统运行风险分析

7.Effect of regulation and storage engineering on groundwater salinity in reclaimed water irrigation district再生水灌区调蓄工程对地下水盐分的影响

8.The Operation Mode of the Regulating Reservoirs in Intake Areas of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线工程受水区调蓄水库运行方式研究

9.Study on the Scale of Water Supply to Shandong Province by South-to-North Water Diversion and the Water Price;南水北调东线工程山东供水区的调水规模及供水水价分析

10.EIA and Protection Measures for the Adjusting and Storing Lake Marsh of the East Route Project of South to North Water Transfer南水北调东线工程调蓄湖泊湿地环境影响评价及保护措施

11.Model of Water-supplying Rate of Water Resources Project in Eastern Route Project for South-to-North Water Diversion;南水北调东线水源工程供水水价模型研究

12.The Research of Water Market Questions of Multi-water-sources Supplying after the South-to-north Water Transfer Project Operating;试论南水北调工程运行后多水源供水的水市场

13.Discussion on the Problem of Decompressing and Adjusting Storage Capacity in the Self-Pressure Water Supply Project;关于自压供水减压与调蓄问题的处理

14.Numerical simulation of freezing problem of open diversion canal in water supply projects in cold area寒冷地区供水工程引水明渠结冰问题数值模拟

15.supply and installation of water treatment plant [public works category]供应及装置滤水器〔公共工程类别〕

16.Scheme Comparison of Transfer and Storage Reservoir in the North Trunk of Diversion Yellow River Water into Shanxi Project in Wanjia Village Shanxi Province山西省万家寨引黄入晋工程北干线调蓄水库方案比选

17.Water Supply Cost Sharing and Calculating of the First Stage Project of the Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer;南水北调东线第一期工程供水成本分摊与核算

18.The Study on Design of Coal Mine Tunnel Water Source Heat Pump System煤矿坑道水水源热泵供热空调工程设计研究


regulating and hoarding water engineering调蓄水工程

3)engineering storage and allocation工程蓄调

4)regulation and storage engineering调蓄工程

1.Effect ofregulation and storage engineering on groundwater salinity in reclaimed water irrigation district再生水灌区调蓄工程对地下水盐分的影响

5)water storage project蓄水工程

1.It is pointed out that the main problems in water resources exploitation and development are the small scale and low capacity ofwater storage projects, serious fresh water overmining in well irrigated districts, low efficiency of water utilization, and serious water pollution.指出水资源开发利用中存在的主要问题是蓄水工程规模小、标准低 ,井灌区地下淡水严重超采 ,水有效利用率低 ,水污染严重 ;提出建立功能完善的工程体系 ,节约用水 ,依法管水 ,科学治水 ,建立科学的管理体系等对策措

6)Queshan reservoir regulation and storage project鹊山水库调蓄工程


公明1.公正明达。 2.复姓。春秋时鲁国有公明仪。
