600字范文 > 供水工程 water supply project英语短句 例句大全

供水工程 water supply project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-02 15:03:39


供水工程 water supply project英语短句 例句大全

供水工程,water supply project

1)water supply project供水工程

1.Grey correlation analysis of relationship betweenwater supply projects and regional economic and social development;供水工程与区域经济社会发展的关联度分析

2.Application of RPMP at Tieshangangwater supply project of Beihai city;夹砂玻璃钢管在北海市铁山港区供水工程中的应用

3.Analysis and evaluation on geological condition of emergencywater supply project:Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程地质条件分析与评价


1.Dongshen--Hong Kong Water Supply Scheme东深─香港供水工程

2.Dongjiang--Shenzhen Water Supply Engineering Administration Bureau东深供水工程管理局

3.The water-supply cost is the main accounting target of the water-supply project.供水成本是供水工程的主要核算指标。

4.Expression modes of water right of water supply for Pingshan Water Supply Project;平山供水工程供水水权的表现形式探讨

5.On the operation for Xin Quan water work of Ding-Bian Project;定边供水工程新圈水厂运营管理初探

6.Surface Source Pollution Control in the Dongjiang--Shenzhen Water Supply Scheme东深供水工程面污染源管理工作制度

7.Discussion on estimation of tap water price for long-distance water diversion and supply project: Water Diversion Project to North Zhejiang长距离引水供水工程到户水价的测算探讨——以浙北引水工程为例

8.Numeration and On-site Testing for the Water Transition Process of DongShen Water Supply System;东深供水工程水力过渡过程计算与测试研究

9.On line design for industrial water-supply in Yangwanze reservoir in Shanxi山西省阳湾则水库工业供水工程管线设计

10.An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Models of the Sluice in Nanxi River Water Supply Projects楠溪江供水工程拦河闸枢纽水工模型试验研究

11.water quality monitoring and health evaluation about water supply project of peach ditch reservoir in fuling area重庆市桃子沟水库供水工程水质监测结果评价

12.Study on Project Post Evaluation: Exampled by Xiaoshunjiang Water Project;小舜江供水工程建设项目后评价研究

13.Tropism of Financing Channels on PFI Construction of Water Supplying Works in China;中国供水工程建设PFI融资取向的选择

14.Investment Risk Analysis for the Project of Jinan Queshan Water Supply济南鹊山供水工程项目投资风险分析

15.Analysis on Water Supply Amount and Water Price of Repaying Loan For Langdian Water Project;浪店水源工程供水量及还贷水价分析

16.Dongjiang--Shenzhen Water Supply Works Water Price Estimation Sub-group东深工程对港供水水价测算小组

17.Demonstration of the Mid-and-long-term Urban Water Transfer Project in Yuncheng City运城市中远期城区供水水源工程论证

18.Study on the Scale of Water Supply to Shandong Province by South-to-North Water Diversion and the Water Price;南水北调东线工程山东供水区的调水规模及供水水价分析


water supply engineering供水工程

1.Study on the plan of citywater supply engineering in Guizhou;贵州省城市供水工程规划研究

2.Use and study on valves inwater supply engineering;供水工程中阀门的使用与探讨

3.Economic evaluation ofwater supply engineering in towns;小城镇供水工程的经济评价

3)water-supply project供水工程

1.Taking thewater-supply project of energy base in Zhunge’er Banner, Inner Mongolia, as the example, this paper analyzes the application of the silting basin in thewater-supply project.以内蒙古准格尔旗能源基地供水工程为例,分析了沉沙池在供水工程中的应用。

2.In order to enhancing the rationality of pipe materials selection in the design of urbanwater-supply projects,the paper sets up a multi-hierarchal gray correlation comprehensive appraising model for the selection of pipe materials by using gray correlation theory.为了提高城市供水工程规划设计中管材选择的科学性,运用灰色关联理论,建立了输水管材选择的多层次灰色关联综合评价模型。

3.The water-supply cost is the main accounting target of thewater-supply project.供水成本是供水工程的主要核算指标。

4)water supply works供水工程

1.By using this method, this paper makes comprehensive evaluation on the emergency water supply schemes of thewater supply works of Yangquan No.权值—层次分析法是在权值法的基础上,吸取层次分析法的长处,将二者有机地结合起来,进行分层次的“定性+定量”评价,文章采用该方法对阳泉二电厂供水工程不同的应急供水方案进行了综合评价,最终确定了技术可行、经济合理的供水方案。

2.The single pipe used inwater supply works sets a precedent in China.引黄工程联接段采用单管供水设计方案在我国供水工程中尚属先例 ,通过对单、双管设计方案的比较 ,详细的论述了单管设计方案在投资、施工、运行管理和维护等方面的优越性 ,也为单管供水在我国供水工程中的推广使用提供了范例。

3.Therefore, the rationalwater supply works are the key and presupposition to resolve water supply-demand balance a.科学合理的供水工程是缓解水资源供需矛盾、实现水资源可持续利用的关键和前提。

5)water supply projects供水工程

1.Determination of construction scale ofwater supply projects using water resources allocation system;利用水资源配置系统确定供水工程的建设规模

6)Water source of water supply project供水工程水源水


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