600字范文 > 坪上应急输水工程 level ground emergency water diversion project英语短句 例句大全

坪上应急输水工程 level ground emergency water diversion project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-16 01:12:57


坪上应急输水工程 level ground emergency water diversion project英语短句 例句大全

坪上应急输水工程,level ground emergency water diversion project

1)level ground emergency water diversion project坪上应急输水工程

2)emergency diversion of Pingshang坪上应急引水


1.Rock dissolving water natural resources quantity evaluation of emergency leading water engineering on the level ground坪上应急引水工程岩溶水天然资源量评价

2.Application of FRP/GRP Pipe in Pingshang Emergency Water Diversion Project玻璃钢夹砂管在坪上应急引水工程的应用

3.Seismic Damages of Dam of Zipingpu Reservoir and Emergency Repairs紫坪铺水库大坝震损及应急修复综述

puter Monitoring System Application in Shuiquan Bay Pumping Station for Level Ground Water Diversion Project坪上输水工程水泉湾泵站计算机监控系统应用

5.Application of portal lining jumbo in construction of bottom arch of diversion tunnel of Liuping Hydropower Station自行式底拱衬砌台车在柳坪水电站引水隧洞施工中的应用

6.Study on the Capacity of Water Transfer about the Channel of Hebei Province in the Drawing Water Project from Yellow River to Tianjin City China;引黄济津应急调水工程河北段输水能力研究

7.An Analysis of Surrounding Rock Stability of Diversion and the Generating Tunnel of the Jiangpinghe Power Station江坪河水电站引水发电洞围岩稳定性分析

8.Turf Grass Introduction and Evaluation of Turf Establishment in the Centeral-west Area of Inner Mongolia内蒙古中西部地区草坪草引种适应性及其成坪质量评价

9.The grass on my lawn is dying from lack of water.我草坪上的草由于缺水快要枯死了。

10.The lawn sprinkler showered the children.草坪淋水车把孩子们身上浇湿了。

11.a swathe of daffodils across the lawn草坪上长而宽的一片黄水仙.

12.Handling Patterns of Goods & Materials of Jiangpinghe Hydropower Station;江坪河水电站工程物资供应管理方式

13.Emergency water diversion projects such as the diversion of water from the Yellow River to Tianjin were implemented, and water supply in cities was basically guaranteed.实施“引黄济津”等应急调水工程,基本保证了城市供水。

14.Brief Reports on the Suitabilitiesof Planting Introduced Good Lawngrasses in Xiaogan District;优良草坪草在孝感地区适应性引种简报

15.Study on the Adaptability of Several Cool Season Turfgrass in Jingtai Area,Gansu Province几种草坪草在景泰地区的引种适应性研究

16.Study on the Prediction of Urban Groundwater Demand under Emergency in Shanghai上海城市地下水应急供应需求量预测研究

17.Studies on Applications of Seed Film Coating and Priming in Rice(Oryza sativa L.);种子包衣和引发在水稻上的应用研究

18.Study on stripping time of steel-form-jumbo in construction of delivery tunnel of Liuping Hydropower Station柳坪水电站引水洞边顶拱钢模台车拆模时间研究


emergency diversion of Pingshang坪上应急引水

3)emergency water supply project应急供水工程

1.Application of PCCP pipeline toemergency water supply project(Beijing Section) for Beijing-Shijiazhuang Section in Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;PCCP管道在南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程(北京段)中的应用

2.Key technical problems during design and construction ofemergency water supply project for Beijing-Shijiazhuang section in Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程设计和施工中的主要技术问题

4)emergency water diversion project应急引水工程

5)emergent water conveyance应急输水

1.Vegetation restoration afteremergent water conveyance to lower reach of Tarim River.;新疆塔里木河下游应急输水植被阶段恢复分析

6)emergent water transportation应急输水

1.Study onemergent water transportation from lower Tarim river to Bositeng lake in Xinjiang autonomous region;新疆博斯腾湖向塔里木河下游生态应急输水问题探讨

2.We can thus find information about theemergent water transportation to the Tarim River through the investigation of the increment of the branch of P.胡杨枝年轮信息包含了塔里木河水量变化内容,通过胡杨枝生长量调查可以反映塔里木河应急输水规律。

3.euphratica toemergent water transportation.结果显示,塔里木河下游的胡杨具有伴河生长的特性,不同等级枝下高的胡杨都主要分布在距离河道200m的范围,且其分布都与离河道距离呈显著负相关关系;应急输水后,不同离河距离的胡杨枝下高都有不同程度的下降,河道附近100m的范围内下降幅度最大,达到了0。


