600字范文 > 适应问题 adaptation英语短句 例句大全

适应问题 adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 17:29:13


适应问题 adaptation英语短句 例句大全



1.An Analysis of Adaptation of Freshmen in Colleges;大学新生入学后适应问题探析

2.Viewing freshmen"sadaptation in army academies from the role conversion从角色转换的角度看军校大学新生适应问题

3.This paper begins with the psychological situation of freshmen,analyses psychologically the problems that confront the freshmen in detail,presents the advantageous conditions that library holds,and puts forward the service strategy to deal withadaptation of freshmen.本文从大学新生的心理现状入手 ,利用心理学理论详细分析了大学新生的适应问题和图书馆在解决大学新生适应问题中具备的有利条件 ,着重论述了图书馆解决大学新生适应问题的服务策略。


1.The Issue of Adaptation and Self-adaptation Confronting the College Freshmen;大学新生面临的适应问题与自我调适

2.The Research on Inhabitants Urban-adapting in "Village-amid-the-city" of Fuzhou;福州城中村村(居)民城市适应问题研究

3.Survey and Analysis of Freshmen s Adaptation in Higher Vocational Colleges;对高职新生入学适应问题的调查分析

4.A Study on the Social Adaptability Problems of College Students in the Transitional Period社会转型期大学生社会适应问题研究

5.Psychological problems and adjustment of college freshmen;大学生入学适应中的心理问题及调适

6.“The questions we ask are about the suitability of the role.我们问的问题都是关于角色的适应性。

7.The Psychological Issues of Freshmen for Adapting and the Counter-Measures;大学新生适应期心理问题及应对措施

8.The question then becomes: Will your equipment be able to adapt?那时,问题就成了:设备能适应吗?

9.On Adaptive Trust-Region Methods for Unconstrained Optimization Problems;解无约束优化问题的自适应信赖域法

10.Stable Algorithms Design and Application on Ill-Posed Problems;不适定问题的稳定化算法设计及应用

11.Study on the Adaptation Problems of Kids of Rural-laborsin Cities;进城农民工子女社会适应性问题研究

12.Adaptability: Further Review of the Rural Credit Cooperatives Reform;适应性:农村信用社改革问题的再认识

13.Is It Proper that Forfeit Penalty Applies to Scope of Probation;关于罚金刑应否适用缓刑问题的思考

14.The problem and countermeasures of learning adaptability in distance education;远程教育学习适应性问题及对策研究

15.An Adapting Genetic Algorithm to Resolve JSP problem;求解JSP问题的一种自适应遗传算法

16.Public Administration; Compatibility of the Hypothesis of "Economic Person;公共行政:“经济人”假设的适应性问题

17.A Few Questions Needing Attention in Applicable Goodwill Aquirement;适用善意取得制度应注意的几个问题

18.A discuss on the issue of the teachers psychological health & adaptability;教师心理健康及心理适应性问题探讨


adjustment problem适应性问题

1.With the divorced children increasing quickly, theiradjustment problems become the main topic of the study.随着社会的发展离异家庭越来越多,离异家庭儿童的适应性问题成为研究关注的焦点。

3)adapt behavior problem适应行为问题

1.The results show that there areadapt behavior problems in children with ADHD ,especially in social duty.结果表明:多动症儿童在不同程度上存在适应行为问题,特别是在社会责任方面的水平较低,从年龄发展来看多动症儿童在小学三、四年级时适应水平最低。

4)learning adaptability problem学习适应问题

5)readjustment of profession role入职再适应问题

6)adaptive path problem自适应路程问题


社会适应问题咨询社会适应问题咨询counseling about the problems of social adaption社会适应l’q题咨询(counseling aboutthe Problems of soeial adaPtion)心理咨询的一个重要工作领域。主要依据社会心理学的基本理论及相应的心理评价技术,帮助人们在充满矛盾和紧张的社会生活中摆脱心理上的苦恼和压力。最常遇到的问题是:(l)自我心理障碍。(2)人际交往障碍。(刘晓明撰牟丈博审)
