600字范文 > 适应 adaptation英语短句 例句大全

适应 adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 14:04:59


适应 adaptation英语短句 例句大全



1.The cardioprotection of intermittent hypoxicadaptation;间歇性低氧适应的心脏保护

2.Adaptation of Varicella-Zoster Virus Vaccine Strain in Vero Cells;水痘-带状疱疹病毒疫苗株在Vero细胞中的传代适应

3.The transition andadaptation from the roles of a head nurse to a nurse;从护士长角色到护士角色的转换与适应


1.The state of being adapted.被适应被适应的状态

2.The process of acclimating or of becoming acclimated.服水土,适应适应或变得适应的过程

3.adaptive control适应控制;适应性控制;自适控制;自适应控制

4.make fit or tailor something to something.使某物适应或适和某物。

5.To change so as to match or fit;cause to correspond.调节,调整改变…以相适或适应;使与…相适

6.The act or process of adapting.适应,顺应与…相适应的行为与过程

7.fuel flexibility燃料[改烧]适应性

8.make (animals) fit for cultivation.使(动物)适应耕作。

9.Capable of adapting or of being adapted.能适应的,适应性强的能够适应的或能够被适应的

10.of or relating to adaptation.适应的或者与适应有关的。

11.an elastic band, can adapt or be adapted to differing circumstances(橡皮圈),能适应或被适应于不同情况的(

12.acclimation, acclimatizatio气候适应[作用],[环境]适应性;驯化作用

13.vocational maladjustment职业适应不良 职业适应不良

14.You must conform to local customs你应适应当地风俗。

15.microprocessor adaptability微处理机的应用适应性

16.You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境。

17.Production should be geared to demand.生产应与需求相适应。

18.To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.使适合,使适应使合适或适应某种特定用法或状况



1.Leaf structure and its ecologicaladaptability in three species of mangroves;3种红树植物叶片结构及其生态适应

2.Discussion on University P. E. how to Adapt the Sports Demand of University Students;试论高校体育课如何更好地适应大学生的体育需要

3.Analysis of New Students "adaptable" Psychology;警院新生入学“适应”心理探析


1.Influence of psychological intervention on role adaption of mother in primipara;心理干预对初产妇母亲角色适应的影响

2.Utmost surroundings spurs organisms to evolve towards adaption to utmost conditions.极限环境促使生物向适应极限的方向进化:在生物机体能承受的范围内给予压力则促进进化,若超过了机体能承受的范围(极限、临界点),则会造成机体的劳损或疾病。

3.To investigate adolescent′s adaption and it′s influnce factors, 1274 middle school students were tested by stratified random cluster sampling.采用《青少年心理健康素质调查问卷》问卷,对1274名中学生的适应状态特征及其影响因素进行研究。


1.Study of Group Psychotherapy(GPT) PromotingAdjustment of Environment on University Freshman.;团体心理疗法促进大学新生环境适应的研究

2.LearningAdjustment and its Correlation with Personality of Undergraduates.;大学生学习适应及其与人格变量的关系

3.A probe into college students the psychology in job selection and adjustment;大学生职业选择及适应心理探析


1.Construction of High Density Coordinated Unit in City Center: Urban Design Strategy with Holistic Adaptability;中心区高密度协调单元的构建——一种整体适应的城市设计策略

2.Programmed cell death andadaptability;细胞程序性死亡与生态适应

3.The Analysis of Group Work Method In Resolving Freshman s Adaptability;解决大学新生入学适应问题的小组工作方法探讨


1.The animal models ofaccommodation in organ transplantation and the mechanism foraccommodation were summarized and its application prospects were proposed.适应现象是目前器官移植研究中的一个热点 ,本文综述了器官移植中适应的动物模型、适应现象产生的机制 ,并对其应用前景提出展望。

2.The sensor in-range fault isolation and faultaccommodation offers a challenge in dual channel engine control systems.引入机载自校正实时模型作为第三通道的虚拟传感器,并提出模糊隶属度加权和动态阈值技术以获得可靠的传感器适应值,实现双余度系统中失效传感器的检测和隔离。


