600字范文 > 可重构光分插复用器 ROADM英语短句 例句大全

可重构光分插复用器 ROADM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-12 19:58:22


可重构光分插复用器 ROADM英语短句 例句大全



1.Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer(ROADM) is an important technology for optical network reconfiguration.可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)是实现光网络可重构性的一项重要技术。

2.A low-cost reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer(ROADM) with system upgrade capability and dynamic gain equilibrium is studied.文章介绍了一种具有升级能力和动态增益均衡的低成本可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)。

3.In view of the requirements for service growth,this article discusses in detail the advantages ofROADM device,presents a realization scheme for Wavelength Blocker(WB)-basedROADM and measures the maximum OSNR penalty of thisROADM node device in relation to its practical applications.文章从业务发展的需求出发,详细讨论了可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)设备的优点,提出了一种基于波长阻塞器(Wavelength Blocker,WB)的ROADM实现方案,并针对实际应用测试了该ROADM节点设备的最大光信噪比(OSNR)代价。


1.Design of a new reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer一种新型的可重构光分插复用器件的设计

2.Design and Implementation of ROADM;可重配置光分插多路复用器的设计与实现

3.Research of the Optical ADD and DROP Multiplexer (OADM) Based on the Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter (AOTF);基于声光可调滤波器的光分插复用器的研究

4.Research on OADM with Fiber Grating Coupler Structure;光纤光栅耦合器型光分插复用器研究

5.A Novel Tunable OADM Based on F-P Filter;基于F-P腔的波长可调谐光分插复用器

6.All-Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer with Magnetostrictive Tunable Fiber Bragg Gratings;全光磁调谐光纤Bragg光栅的光分/插复用器

7.A Design of Channel Add/Drop Filters Based on Photonic Crystals;基于光子晶体的信道分插复用器设计

8.Research on Optical Add Drop Multiplexer Based on Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology基于平面光波导技术的光分插复用器的研究

9.Research of Aerodynamic and Structures Characteristics in the RLV;可重复使用跨大气层飞行器气动及结构特性分析研究

10.Design of Tunable Optical Add-drop Multiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators可调谐光子晶体微环腔型光分叉复用器的设计

11.Analysis of a Novel Fiber Coupler Loop Connecting Method for Multiplying Optical Pulse Repetition Rates Based on TDM时分复用倍乘光脉冲重复率的新型光纤耦合器环状连接法分析

12.Design and Implementation of ADM in SDH;SDH分/插复用器ADM的设计与实现

13.Then, it describes the formation of ring type network, and explains in more detail the optical add drop multiplexing, space switching, and tunable fiber grating technologies they adopt.接着,较全面地介绍它们采用光插分复接、空间交换和可调谐光纤光栅方式的特点。

14.Analysis on Low-Temperature Tank Heat Protection Structure of Reuable Launch Vehicle;重复使用运载器低温贮箱防热结构分析

15.Reusable Launch Vehicle Thermal Protection System Performance Study;可重复使用运载器热防护系统性能分析研究

16.Reconfigurable All-Optical Logic Gates with Not-Inverted Data Technique by Using Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifier利用单个半导体光放大器实现非反转归零码的可重构全光逻辑门

17.Broadband Wavelength-division Multiplexing Multi-channel Filters Based on Sampled Fiber Bragg Gratings;基于超结构光纤光栅的宽带波分复用信道滤波器设计

18.Reconfigurable Design of Sub-pixel Interpolation Blocks Based on H.264/AVCH.264/AVC中分像素插值模块的可重构设计


reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer可重构光分插复用器

1.Design of a newreconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer一种新型的可重构光分插复用器件的设计

2.According to need of optical network, the quantity and value of wavelength in middle add/drop nodes can be set by Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM), which may be used for tapping and attacking.可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)能根据网络需求,设置中间上下节点的波长数量和具体波长值,但它有可能被恶意窃听者和攻击者利用。

3)reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer(ROADM)可重构光分插复用器(ROADM)


1.ROADM enables the configuration of drop,add and express wavelengths at remote nodes via software control.可重构光分插复用(ROADM)设备可以通过软件实现远程节点上、下路和直通波长的配置。

2.The main research work is listed below:1、Based on the application of spatial demultiplexer inROADM system,we analyze one-dimensional photonic crystal super-prism effect in theory,in order to draw some important conclusions : the time dispersion(group delay) changes into the spatial dispersion,in order to achieve different wavelength separation.3、与人合作,实现了一种用于可重构光分插复用技术中的具有多波长处理功能的单片集成光探测器阵列,器件在GaAs基衬底上集成了GaAs/AlGaAs材料的法布里-波罗谐振腔和InP/In_(0。

5)reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM)可重构光分插复用(ROADM)



电容分压器(见分压器)电容分压器(见分压器)capacitor voltage dividersd)onf。日g无en丫oq{电容分压器(eaPaeitor voltage dividers)见分压器。
