600字范文 > 民事权益 civil rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

民事权益 civil rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 02:57:50


民事权益 civil rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

民事权益,civil rights and interests

1)civil rights and interests民事权益

1.The protection of embryo\"scivil rights and interests is an extremely realistic problem in China.胎儿民事权益的保护是我国法律所面临的一个十分现实的问题。


1.Chinese law guarantees the property rights and other civil rights and interests of the disabled.中国法律保护残疾人的财产权和其他民事权益。

2.Discussion of civil safeguard mechanism for criminal victims improvement完善刑事被害人民事权益保障制度的思考

3.Several Problems about Judicial Protection of Civil Rights and Benefits of the Minors;未成年人民事权益司法保护的几个问题

4.The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law; no organization or individual may infringe upon them.公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。

5.On Improvement of the Statutory Framework of a Criminal Case with Supplementary Civil Claims-- Consideration from a Perspective of Protection of a Victim s Rights;论刑事附带民事诉讼制度的立法完善——从被害人民事权益保障视角的思考

6.ascertains the relationship between civil rights and obligations, takes sanctions against civil violations, safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the party to a lawsuit,确认民事权利义务关系,制裁民事违法行为,保护当事人的合法权益,

7.Public proceedings right owned by procuratorial organs in civil proceedings;民事诉讼中检察机关公益诉权之探析

8.Minorities Rights and Interests Protection in Criminal Justice in Ethnic-Minority Areas;民族地区刑事审判中的少数民族权益保障

9.Study on Balancing of Interests in Justice of Chinese Environmental Torts;我国环境侵权民事司法中的利益衡量研究

10.Public-Private Partnership in Public Utilities and Equity Financing in Our Country;我国市政公用事业民营化及其权益性融资

11.On the Joining of Administrative and Civil Executions under Interests Balancing;论利益权衡下的行政执行与民事执行衔接

12.The Fairness and Benefit of Prepositional Legislation Procedure of Securities Civil Infringement;证券民事侵权诉讼前置程序的公平与效益

13.Safeguarding women s rights in judges trying civil case of domestic violence;法官审判家庭暴力民事案件对妇女权益的保护

14.On the civil law responsibility concerning protection law of consumers right;论消费者权益保护法中的民事法律责任

15.On the Urging of Civil Prosecution;论民事督促起诉——对国家利益、公共利益监管权的监督

16.The Judicatory Protect in The Civil Actions of the Rights and Interests of Peasants in Feebleness Circumstances;民事诉讼中农村弱势当事人合法权益的司法保护

17."We will ensure that the people directly exercise their democratic rights according to law, manage grassroots public affairs and programs for public good and exercise democratic supervision over the cadres."保证人民群众依法直接行使民主权利,管理基层公共事务和公益事业,对干部实行民主监督。

18.The application is advertised, and any member of the public who has an interest in the matter also has the right to object.有关申请会作出公告,与事件有利益关系的市民有权提出反对。


Civil rights民事权益

1.17 unreasonable judicature explanations of the supreme people\"s court;make civil lawsuits independent of criminal lawsuits;the victims should enjoy the choosing rights of legal procedures;decrease two lawsuits\" contradictions in the practical applications as many as possible;construct the state compensation system for criminal victims;improve judicial remedy of civil rights and so on.由于中国刑事被害人民事法律保障制度的不健全,近年来,出现了刑事被告人承担的民事责任反而低于一般侵权的行为人所承担的民事责任的怪现象,使被害人在遭受犯罪行为侵害的同时,又遭受到因民事权益法律保障不公所带来的双重打击。

3)legal civil rights合法民事权益

4)civil legal interest民事法益

5)resettlement right移民权益

1.It is regarded that the publish and implementation of new regulations is the expression of the human-centering ecology thought,management strength andresettlement rights.为了更好地贯彻与落实新的《大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿与移民安置条例》(国务院471号令),做好大中型水利水电工程建设征地补偿与移民安置工作,对新条例的出台背景、理念,新条例对移民权益的表述,所体现的治理模式,对移民环境容量和资源环境可持续发展的重视等方面进行了分析,认为新条例的颁布与实施体现了我国水利水电工程移民安置工作转变了理念,加强了管理,进一步维护了移民权益,重视了移民环境容量问题。

6)farmer rights and interests农民权益

1.Ningxia protects thefarmer rights and interests to construct harmonious social the investigation and the research;宁夏保护农民权益构建和谐社会的调查与研究


