600字范文 > Saving the earth(The Fifth Period)_高二英语教案

Saving the earth(The Fifth Period)_高二英语教案

时间:2023-01-19 15:32:19


Saving the earth(The Fifth Period)_高二英语教案

the fifth period


teaching aim:

learn and master the use of inversion.

teaching important point:

help tile students to make a summary of all kinds of inversion.

teaching difficult point:

help the students know in which cases full inversion is used and in which cases partial inversion is used.

teaching methods :

revision; summary; explanation and inductive methods.

teaching aids:

a projector and the blackboard

teaching procedures :

step greetings

greet the whole class as usual.

step ii revision and lead-in

t: in unit 9, we"ve learnt some sentences in inverted word-order. now, i"ll show

you some sentences on the screen. please tell which are in natural or normal word-order and which are in inverted word-order. look at the screen and compare them carefully.

(show the following on the screen.)

out rushed the boy.

the boy rushed out.

only in this way can we lose weight.

we can lose weight only in this way.

t: who can tell us which are in normal word-order?

s: i know. the second sentence in each pair is in normal word-order.

t: how do you know?

s: if the predicate comes after the subject, it is in normal word-order.

t: very good. so the first sentence in each pair is in inverted word-order. in the first pair, the whole predicate of the first sentence comes before the

subject, in the second pair, part of the predicate of the first sentence comes

before the subject. now, please look at the screen.

(show the following on the screen and make brief explanation if necessary. )


natural word-order : s+ v

inverted word-order v+s

auxiliary/modal + s+v

step hi summary and explanation

t: if the predicate verb is placed before the subject, the sentence is said to be

in inverted word-order. such a word-order is called inversion. we use inversion for two reasons. one for the need of the grammatical structure of a given type of sentence, the other for emphasis of a certain part of a sentence. inversion happens in questions, and in a number of other cases. there are two main kinds of inversion. in some cases the whole verb comes before the subject. this kind of inversion is called full inversion. and in most cases, an auxiliary verb or a modal verb comes before the subject and the rest of the predicate verb comes after. if there"s no auxiliary or modal verb, “do”“does” or “did” should be added. this kind of inversion is called partial inversion. now, let’s make a summary of the inverted cases. please look at the screen. in these cases, the whole predicate comes before the subject.
