600字范文 > Frightening nature(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

Frightening nature(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

时间:2019-01-25 07:57:20


Frightening nature(The Third Period)_高二英语教案

the third period

teaching aims:

1. get the students to complete a passage according to the information given.

2. get the students to review the usage of the present participle and the past participle.

3. get the students to learn and master

grammar: ellipsis.

teaching important points:

1. enable students to learn how to choose the present participle or the past participle.

2. learn about ellipsis of different types.

teaching difficult point:

how to use elliipsis to make a sentence brief and clear.

teaching methods:

1. practise to make the students master what they"ve learned.

2. inductive method to give the students a clear picture of they should master.

3. pair work or group work to make every student be active in class.

teaching aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

greet the whole class as usual.

(teacher and students learn the new words of this period together. )

t: have you finished your homework?

ss: yes.

t: who will read his word webs to us?

(teacher asks some students to read. at last teacher shows the following on

the screen. )

step ii word study

t: (show the screen.) now let"s do an exercise. read the news on the screen

and fill in the blanks with the words we"ve learned. pair work or group work.

complete the news:

the active v on montserrat caused more than us $ 323 000 damage to crops and the island"s water system, the government said thursday.

the island was covered with d and a_________ as deep as four inched. fruit trees and crops were severely damaged, but none of the people were reported injured, officials said. some wildlife habitats were damaged.

the volcano on montserrat sprang to life in 1995. more than half of the

population f______ and never returned a . an eruption in 1997 killed 19

people and buried the capital of plymouth.

although there was a feeling of p_________, people told reporters that they would not leave their island.

officials said costs for cleaning up could reach us $188 000. the un has u________ other countries to help. britain already gave 2 million pounds last aid tuesdays.

suggested answers :

olcano, ust, sh, led, gain, anic, rged

t: look at the two sentences on the blackboard.

this is a moving story.
