600字范文 > Making a difference(The Third Period)_高一英语教案

Making a difference(The Third Period)_高一英语教案

时间:2019-07-13 09:00:17


Making a difference(The Third Period)_高一英语教案

the third period

teaching aims:

1. learn and master the phrase: use up

2. review the words learnt in the last two periods.

3. learn how to explain the words in english.

4. learn and master the usages of the infinitive.

teaching important points:

1. master the phrase: use up

2. master the usages of the infinitive

teaching difficult points:

1. how to help the students learn to explain words in english.

2. how to help the students master the usages of the infinitive.

teaching methods:

1. review method to help the students remember what they have learnt before.

2. explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the usages of the infinitive.

3. individual work or pair work to make every students work in class.

teaching aids:

1. a projector and some slides

2. the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

greet the whole class as usual.

t: yesterday we learnt a passage about stephen hawking you must have learnt something from him, i think. what did you learn from him, li ming?

s: we should have a strong will whatever we do.

t: what about you, wang peng?

s: we should have an indomitable spirit when we want to achieve great success.

t: yes. it was the indomitable spirit that led stephen hawking to his great success. as long as we have this spirit, we can do it successfully no matter what we want to.

stepⅱword study

t: ok. we also learnt some important words in the last period. now let"s have a dictation. please take out a piece of paper and write them on it.

(after dictation, ask the students to check their words in pairs. )

t: ok. now we have known the chinese meaning of each word. let"s do an exercise to see how to explain some words in english, according to the meanings of the sentences. please turn to page 5. let"s do the exercise in word study. choose the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence. before we do it, we"ll learn a new phrase: use up.

(write it on the blackboard. and give some explanations and two examples. )

(bb: use up he has used up all his strength. the boy has used up all the money for only three days. )

t: are you clear about the use of “use up”?

ss: yes.

t: ok. do the exercise by yourself. you can discuss it with your partner if necessary. i"ll check the answer in a few minutes.

t: (a few minutes later.) now i"ll ask some of you to give your answers. at the same time, translate the sentences into chinese.

(teacher asks the students to do it one by one.)

suggested answers:

