600字范文 > Frightening nature教案_高二英语教案

Frightening nature教案_高二英语教案

时间:2024-05-15 06:01:50


Frightening nature教案_高二英语教案

unit 10 学案

fill in the blanks according to the first letters.

1、the u.s.a u________ iraq to give up i _________

2、the terrible sight made her hair stand on e________.

3、he was t________ at the terrible accident yesterday.

4、he b_______ himself in the country.

5、mother are b______ the baby.

6、s________ is a kind ship which is driven by steam.

7、a ______is powders(粉末)that after something has burnt.

8、f_________ means running or hurrying away from some place.

9、i always keep a dictionary at h________.

10、i left the station she went on b________ the train.

答案:1 urged\ immediately 2 end 3 terrified 4 buried 5 bathing 6 steamship 7 ash 8 flee 9 hand 10 board

warming up

1 observe v

(1) she observed his actions with interest.

(2) his neighbor observed a thief climbing out of the of his house.

(3) the thief was observed to enter the bank.

(4) he observed that it had suddenly grown much cold.

2 danger n 抽象名词表示具体化事物,surprise cold pleasure pity failure worry success honor beauty wonder interest knowledge.

a busy street is a danger to children.

comparison ① he is in danger ② he is dangerous.

eg: one way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _______ good knowledge of basic word formation.

a. / b. the c. a d. one

3 threat n carry out a threat to sb


be a threat to sb’s life

threaten vt threaten (not) to do sth

threaten sb (not) to do sth

threaten sb with death

(1) there was the__________ of typhoon.

(2) american actions _________ world peace.

(3) the thief _______him not to cry for help.

(4) he threatened me with a gun.

(5) they threatened that they would make it public.

4 reduce v

(1) the company has reduced the price by 10 percent.

i bought this shirt because it was reduced from﹩20to﹩10 .

n: reduction: at a reduction of 10 percent

make a reduction


5 hit ① the area used to be hit by flood.

② a powerful earthquake hit the small city.

③ the death of his son hit the old man hard.

④ john hit his head on\against the door.

⑤ tom hit him on the nose.
