600字范文 > 国籍持续原则 Nationality Continual principle英语短句 例句大全

国籍持续原则 Nationality Continual principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-17 06:14:53


国籍持续原则 Nationality Continual principle英语短句 例句大全

国籍持续原则,Nationality Continual principle

1)Nationality Continual principle国籍持续原则

2)Continuous-Nationality Principle国籍继续原则


1.On the application of continuous-nationality principle in the international investment dispute arbitration:from the point of view of Loewen v. United States论国籍继续原则在国际投资争端仲裁中的适用——以洛文诉美国案为起点

2.And these are the principles of American revolution that are still being played out in political struggle around the globe today.而美国革命的这些原则在当今全球的政治冲突中继续得到贯彻。

3.The principle and basic thought of Chinese census register s reform;我国户籍制度改革的基本思路及原则

4.Reform of Household Registration System--The Formation, Disadvantages and Reform Principles of the Present Dual-system of Household Registration;户籍制度改革——我国二元户籍制度的形成、弊端及其改革原则

5.The Applicability: the Basic Principle of the Continuous Education for the Librarians in University Library适用性——高校图书馆员继续教育的根本原则

6.Principles of the Curriculum Construction on Continuing Education of the Primary and Secondary School Teachers in the New Era;新时期中小学教师继续教育课程设置原则

7.The Construction Principle of Curriculum System for Primary and Middle School Teachers Continuing Education;中小学教师继续教育课程体系的构建原则

8.On Principles for Further Education of Middle School Teachers after New Course Reform;试论新课程改革后中学教师继续教育原则

9.Basic research principles of continuous education courses for sports teachers;体育教师继续教育课程研制的基本原则

10.On the Basic Principle for the Management Model of the Successive Education for the Teachers in Middle and Primary Schools;构建中小学教师继续教育管理模式的基本原则

11.Teaching Principles to Followin Chinese Continuing Education;继续教育语文学科应当遵循的教学原则

12.We will continue to improve and develop our relations with developed countries and, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, broaden the area of common interests and appropriately iron out differences.继续改善和发展同发达国家的关系,在和平共处五项原则的基础上,扩大共同利益,妥善解决分歧。

13.He expressed his hope that the Indian Government would continue to adhere to the aforementioned principles and cautiously and appropriately handle the issue from the overall interests of bilateral relations.希望印度政府能继续坚持上述原则,从两国关系的大局出发,谨慎、妥善地处理有关事宜。

14.Such information is always included after the C# and Visual Basic code listings.如果您同意此协议,请继续使用,否则,请放弃使下载本书籍或资料,并立刻删除之。

15.If the policy of the United States continues as at present, what will it lead to?如美国政策按目前形式继续实行,则结局将如何?

16.Carry out the principle of developing the national economy in a sustained, stable and coordinated manner贯彻国民经济持续、稳定、协调的原则

17.Expert Group on the Identification of Principles of International Law for Sustainable Development为可持续发展确定国际法原则专家组

18.Research on Sustainable Development in International Environmental Law;国际环境法中的可持续发展原则研究


Continuous-Nationality Principle国籍继续原则

3)Nationality Principle国籍原则

4)rule of consistency持续性原则

5)One nationality for one person国籍唯一原则

6)principle of effective nationality有效国籍原则


