600字范文 > 孔子思想 Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

孔子思想 Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 15:53:57


孔子思想 Confucianism英语短句 例句大全



1.Thought on the Relationship betweenConfucianism and Marxism;对孔子思想与马克思主义关系的思考

2.Confucianism s influence to Pan Yizhi,a Scholar of Shui Nationality;孔子思想对水族文人潘一志的影响

3.The Shift of Emphasis from Propriety to Goodness inConfucianism;孔子思想:从“礼”中心到“仁”中心


1.Progressiveness of Confucius Ideology Viewed From His Adjustmentsto the Codes of the Zhou-Dynasty;从孔子“损益”周礼看孔子思想的进步性

2.Thought on the Relationship between Confucianism and Marxism对孔子思想与马克思主义关系的思考

3.Confucianism is one of the major sources of the Chinese culture.孔子思想是我国文化的主要源头之一。

4.Between God and Man: Inquiring on Mysticism of Confucius;天人之间—孔子思想的神学精神探析

5.The Philosophy Meanings of Words and Deeds in Confucius s Thought;“言、行”在孔子思想中的哲学意义

6.Confucius" Educational Ideology and Current Ideological and Political Education孔子的教育思想与当代思想政治教育

7.The Idea of Confucius Mencius and Xunzi and the Study of Education of Idea and Politics;孔子、孟子、荀子思想与思想政治教育初探

parative Study of Confucius and Lao Tse Thought in Harmony and Its Contemporary Inspiration;孔子与老子和谐思想比较及当代启示

9.On Confucius Image of Junzi--Interpretation of Confucius educational thought;孔子育人思想的价值目标——“君子”(论纲)

10.On Arts Surpassing Nature from the Thinking of Confucius and Zhuangzi-My Understanding of Chinese Ancient Art Concept;从孔子、庄子的思想谈艺术的超越性

11.Confucius"s thought on human nature manifesting in the series of his about benevolence thought.孔子的人性论思想表现在其仁学思想的体系中。

12.Transformation from the Thought of Deity in Xia, Shang, Zhou Dynasty to Confucian s Humanity Thought;论夏、商、周“神本”思想向孔子“人本”思想的转变

parison Between Confucius Thought of "Ren" and Christian View of "Universal Love";孔子“仁”的思想和基督教“博爱”思想之比较

14.A Comparative Study of Confucius Music Education Ideology and Ancient Greek Music Education Philosophy;孔子乐教思想与古希腊乐教思想试比较

15.The Significance of Confucius Affective Education in Ideological and Political Education of Universities;孔子情感教育思想对高校思想政治教育的意义

parison between Confucius View of "Kindheartedness" and Christian View of "Love People"孔子“仁爱”观与基督教“爱人”思想比较

17.On the Confucian thoughts of quality education through his instruction试论孔子教学过程中的素质教育思想

18.On Confucian Thought of the People Basis and Socialist Civilization孔子的民本思想与社会主义精神文明


Confucian thought孔子思想

1.Confucian thought and the theory of Confucian school is embodied with many fine features of the Chinese culture and tradition.孔子的思想及其所创立的儒家学说 ,包含着许多优秀的民族文化和传统 ,继承孔子思想的精华 ,对于发扬中华民族的传统文化和传统美德 ,具有十分重要的现实意义。

3)Koushi"s ideological孔子的思想

4)Confucius "benevolence"孔子"仁"思想

1.This essay will approve the point that "benevolence" is the nucleus of Confucius thought and justify it s correctness from opposition of Mo-tse, restudying ofConfucius "benevolence" and unscrambling it s modem value from perspective of the civil society.本文赞同孔子思想的核心是“仁”,从墨子的角度肯定“仁”是孔子的思想核心,对孔子“仁”思想再研究并从公民社会视野解读其现代价值。

5)management thinking in Confucius孔子管理思想

6)Confucius thought of benevolence孔子仁学思想

1.In order to obtain a further understanding onConfucius thought of benevolence which poured strong humanistic spirit into contemporary P.为更深层次的理解孔子仁学思想为当代体育教学贯注的浓郁人文精神,挖掘其当代价值,运用文献资料法,论述了孔子仁学思想中的人本思想、人道主义、群体意识、平等观念、独立意识与当代体育教学的融合和孔子仁学思想对当代体育教学的时代意义。


孔子的军事思想孔子的军事思想Kongzi"s (Confucius") military thoughtKongzi de iunshi sixiQng孔子的军事思想rKongzi,、(eonfueius,military thought〕中国春秋末期著名惬想家、儒家创始人孔丘关于战争和治军鸽问题的理性认识。孔子(公元前551一前479),名丘,字仲尼,鲁国随邑(今山东曲阜东南)人。佳身士家,通礼、乐、射、御、书、数六艺.中年聚徒讲学,曾任鲁中都宰,升司寇,后周游列国,欲实现其政治主张,终不见用。晚年致力于学术和教育。其学说日“仁”为核心,以“礼”为规范,期于“正名”,维护贵族等级秩序。他的军事思想生要反映在其弟子及后学记录他生前言行尔《论语》书中。面对礼崩乐坏、战争频钦┌──┬─┬─┬──┬──┐│ 桑│l │窗│ 产│}夏 ││ 蕊│{ │{ │ 胜│{││ 下│ │ │}… │二二││着 │ │ ││.兰 ││i│ │ │││└──┴─┴─┴──┴──┘ 清代学者挥录孔子、孟子论兵 言论的《孔孟兵法》的局面,他以“礼”为标准衡量战争,丈主“礼乐征伐自天子出”,反对“礼乐征仕自诸侯出”(《论语·季氏》),称颂尊王拍夷、讨叛伐逆的战争,抨击灭国绝祀、目下犯上的行为。从以礼治国、以德服人献观点出发,主张言战议兵必须慎重,“临事而惧,好谋而成”(《论语·述而))),并提挂“文事”、“武事”兼备的国策。把“足食”,“足兵”、“民信”作为国防的必备条件,认为“民信”是根本,居于首位,“足食”戈次,“足兵”再次。将取信于民与充实军备统一到“仁”的思想体系之中。强调教民“即戎”,进行长期训练,反对“不教民战”(《论语·子路)))。主张经国治军要“一张一弛”,宽猛相济。提倡“仁”、“知”(智)、“勇”。这些论述奠定了先秦儒家军事思想的基础,对后世兵学具有积极的和梢极的双重影响。(张丽荣)
