600字范文 > 特许状 Charter英语短句 例句大全

特许状 Charter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-12 12:26:51


特许状 Charter英语短句 例句大全



1.The city charter of medieval Western Europe is one kind of legal right certificate granted to the cities and the citizens by Kings and Feudal lords in the Middle Ages.中世纪西欧的城市特许状是国王或大封建主颁发给城市和市民的一种法律意义上的权利认可证书。

2.Chartered schools, an important program in public school reform in the United States, have now been widely accepted by different political sectors and interest groups.特许状本质上是学校与政府间的"合同",但这个"合同"却包含着"特许权设计"的诸多细节,体现了美国各级政府对特许学校的立法、政策、监管等诸多法律和行政行为。

3.The ciry law was confined to a particular region based on charters,regulations of guilds,and legislated by city authorities.城市法是一种地域性很强的特别法 ,以特许状、行会章程和城市权力机关立法为主要法源 ,1 5世纪后 ,随主权国家的逐渐形成失去独立的存在条件而融入其他法律之中。


1.(US)town given special rights by State charter特许市(由国家特许状赋予特权的城市).

2.The document containing this exemption.特许状包含这种特许的文件

3.Mont-Saint-Michel and Charters圣米歇尔山与特许状

4.privileges granted by royal charter皇家特许状所给予的特权.

5.(Brit)town with special rights given by royal charter and usu containing a cathedral特许市(由皇家特许状赋予特权,且通常有大教堂的城市)

6.A Royal Charter was granted in 1837.1837年给学校颁发了王室特许状。

7.By a special dispensation from the church , she is allow to remarry凭教会给予的特许状,她获准再婚

8.By a special dispensation from the church, she is allowed to remarry.凭教会给予的特许状,她获准再婚。

9.Qualified according to the rules of a professional association which has a royal charter(根据持有皇家特许状的专业协会的规章)合格的

10.a royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown.一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉.

11.A royal charter exempted the Massachusetts colony from direct interference by the Crown一张皇家的特许状,使马萨诸塞州殖民地免受英王直接干涉

12.Probelms and Countermeasures on Development of Chinese Franchise;我国发展特许经营的现状、问题及对策

13.a dense mass of hyphae forming a rootlike structure characteristic of many fungi.许多真菌特有的密实的菌丝块形成的根状结构。

14.A condition characterized by the presence of numerous diverticula in the colon.憩室病以结肠内出现许多憩室为特征的症状

15.Many of the external attributes of domestic animals can be assigned to the category of qualitive traits.家畜的许多外形特征属于质量性状的范畴。

16.Study on the Status Quo and Its Developing Countermeasures of Special Permission Chain Management of Our Country我国特许连锁经营的现状及发展对策研究

17.The condition or quality of having many twists and turns.蜿蜒,迂回有许多弯曲和迂回的状态或特征

18.An Analysis about Franchising Situation and Development Environment of Chinese Service Station;中国加油站特许经营现状与发展环境分析


authorized state特许状态

3)university charter大学特许状

4)privileged mode特许状态;特许模式


6)the Charter of Bank of England英格兰银行特许状

1.The Bank of England had developed from a ordinary private joint-stock bank to British central bank, which could attribute to several aspects, such as economic factors, the needs of government in raising funds, the protection ofthe Charter of Bank of England and so on.英格兰银行能够从一家普通的私人股份制银行发展成为英国的中央银行,是与当时的经济发展、政府筹款的需要、英格兰银行特许状的保护等因素分不开的。


厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗药物名称:短小棒状杆菌菌苗英文名:Corynebacterium Parvum Vaccine别名: 短棒菌苗;厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗 适应症: 临床试用于恶性黑色素瘤、乳腺癌及肺小细胞型未分化癌。腹腔注射对癌性腹水也有治疗作用。 用量用法: 1.皮内注射:最好注射在淋巴结引流区内,每点0.5mg,共8点,后可增加到12点,两点相距1~2cm,每周1~2次。 2.皮下注射或肌注:一般选择上臂三角肌处注射,每次3.5~4mg。注射前加等量的2%利多卡因以减轻疼痛。每周注射2次。 3.静滴:常用4~10mg,加于250~500ml等渗盐水或5%葡萄糖液中1~4小时内滴完。 4.一般以2~4周为1疗程,如有效可较长时期应用。 注意事项: 1.不良反应有寒战发热。转氨酶升高、血压波动等。 2.病人寒战时可给热饮料;体温高于39℃以上时可给解热剂或物理降温。必要时,给予输液或其他支援治疗。在静滴本品前可给予氢化可的松100mg,以减轻不良反应。 规格: 注射液:每支5ml(含死菌35mg)、1ml(含 死菌7mg)。菌苗中均含甲醛(防腐)。类别:免疫调节剂
