600字范文 > 平等互利 Equality and mutual benefit英语短句 例句大全

平等互利 Equality and mutual benefit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-13 07:22:15


平等互利 Equality and mutual benefit英语短句 例句大全

平等互利,Equality and mutual benefit

1)Equality and mutual benefit平等互利


1.equality, mutual Benefit and mutually supplying each other"s needs平等互利,互通有无

2.equality and mutual benefit and mutually supplying each other"s needs平等互利、互通有无

3.on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.在平等互利的基础上。

4.equality, mutual Benefit and the exchange of goods with foreign countries平等互利,内外交流

5.Equality, mutual Benefit and helping to meet each other"s needs constitute a kind of Business morality (ethics).平等互利,互通有无,商界的道德。

6.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual Benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。

7.It is our principle to stick to equality, mutual benefit and make up what the other needs.坚持“平等互利、互通有无”是我们的原则。

8.We insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit as well as exchange needed goods.我们坚持“平等互利、互通有无”的原则。

9.Equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等互利,互相尊重主权和领土完整

10.the four principles of peace and friendship,equality and mutual Benefit,mutual trust and long-term(prolonged)stability和平友好,平等互利,相互信任,长期稳定四原则

11.We do our business on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我们是在平等互利的基础上做生意的。

12.It is essential to adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit in conducting international economic exchanges.开展国际经济交往,应该坚持平等互利。

13.on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation平等互利的基础上,通过友好协商

14.Second, energy co-operation between our two countries is based on equality and mutual benefit.第二,中俄的能源合作是平等互利的。

15.equality and mutual Benefit, laying emphasis on practical results, diversifying in form and progressing through joint efforts.平等互利,讲究实效,形式多样,共同发展

16.the principle of equality and mutual benefit and "honoring contracts and standing by reputation"平等互利及重合同、守信用的原则

17.We should adhere to principles of maintaining independence and keep the initiative in one"s own hands and equalily and mutual benefit.应该坚持独立自主和平等互利原则。

18.We keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit.我们坚持平等互利的原则。


principle of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则

3)the principle of equality and mutual benefit and subject平等互利的原则

4)demand equal and mutual benefit要求平等互利

5)equality and mutual benefit,and trading of needed goods平等互利,互通有无

6)equality,mutual benefit,mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整


