600字范文 > 平等尊重 equality and mutual respect英语短句 例句大全

平等尊重 equality and mutual respect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-04 05:26:40


平等尊重 equality and mutual respect英语短句 例句大全

平等尊重,equality and mutual respect

1)equality and mutual respect平等尊重

1.This paper elaborates on the new T-S relationship which attaches great significance toequality and mutual respect,cooperation and mutual development,stresses teacher subjectivity which differs from that of "student-centered" model and the traditional "teacher-centered" model,pointing out that democratic,reflective and research-oriented teacher should be the goal for all teachers to pursue.主体间性视角下的师生关系应该是平等尊重、协商合作、共同发展的新型关系,突出强调了区别于传统"教师中心论"与"学生中心论"的教师主体地位,认为民主型教师、反思型教师和研究型教师应该是这种新型师生关系下所有教师追求的目标定位。

2)respect equality尊重平等

3)equal care and respecting平等关怀与尊重

4)cultural equality and respect文化平等与尊重

5)dignity concept of equality平等尊严观

6)equality,mutual benefit,mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整


1.equality,mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整

2."Equility, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity"平等,互利,互相尊重主权和领土完整

3.Equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等互利,互相尊重主权和领土完整

4."Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other"s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence"和平共处五项原则:互相尊重领土完整与主权,互不侵犯,互不干涉内政,平等互利,和平共处

5.on the Basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other"s internal affairs, equality and mutual Benefit and peaceful coexistence.在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处各项原则的基础上

6.mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.对主权和领土完整 互相尊重的基础上.

7.mutual respect for sovereignty and territoria1 integrity互相尊重主权和领土完整

8.(3)Respect for each other"s sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other"s internal affairs constitute the fundamental principles guiding United States-China relations.三、互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉内政是中美关系的根本原则。

9.3. Respect for each other"s sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference each other"s internal affairs constitute the fundamental principles guiding United States-China relations.三、互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉内政是指导中美关系的根本原则。

10."All countries maintaining diplomatic relations with China should abide by the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in each other"s internal affairs, "凡是与中国建交的国家,都应遵守互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉內政的原则,

11.It is ready to establish diplomatic relations with all foreign governments that are willing to abide by the principles of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect for each other"s territorial integrity and sovereignty.凡愿遵守平等、互利及互相尊重领土主权等项原则的任何外国政府,本政府均愿与之建立外交关系。

12.Its aim is to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.它的目的是要尊重各国的主权和领土完整。

13."Safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity"捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严

14.The essential point is that China advocates dialogue on human rights, which should be carried out on the basis of equality and mutual respect.最主要的一点是,中方主张就人权问题进行对话,这一对话应该在平等和相互尊重的基础上进行。

15.The two countries have supported each other in safeguarding their respective sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and have basically solved the border problems left by history.在维护各自国家主权、独立和领土完整方面相互支持;基本解决了两国间历史遗留的边界问题;

16.Based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, the Chinese government actively participates in international labor affairs.中国政府根据相互尊重、平等互利的原则,积极参加国际劳工事务。

17.Initiate dialogues and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equality.在相互尊重和平等基础上开展对话与合作。

18.The agreements provide for the following principles of cooperation: equality, mutual benefit, non interference in internal affairs and respect for sovereignty.协议规定以下合作原则:平等、互利、不干涉内部事务以及尊重各自的主权。


respect equality尊重平等

3)equal care and respecting平等关怀与尊重

4)cultural equality and respect文化平等与尊重

5)dignity concept of equality平等尊严观

6)equality,mutual benefit,mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity平等、互利、互相尊重主权和领土完整


《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》Chinese People"s Volunteers Pledge of Respecting the Korean Government and Cherishing the Korean PeopleZhongguo Renmin Zhiyuanlun Zun-zhong Chaoxian Zhengfu AihuChaoxian Renmin Gongyue《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》(e、i。。s。尸eo:z。,sVolunteeo Ple心e ofRe胡e“ing the KoreanGove胡mentand Cherishingth。肋rean People)中国人民志愿军政治部1958年2月1日颁布。主要内容是:①尊重朝鲜党、政、军人员,接洽办事,要有正式手续,言行举止,要有礼貌。②爱护朝鲜人民的一山一水一草一木,不损坏庄稼,不滥伐树木。③尊重朝鲜人民的风俗习J喷,尊重老人,爱护儿童。④尊重朝鲜妇女,不得有越轨言行。⑤遵守朝鲜政府法令,不在朝鲜市场使用人民币,不私自兑换和使用朝鲜币。⑥遵守交通规则和铁路规章,严禁超速行车,避免车祸发生。中国人民志愿军人朝后,遵照中央军事委员会主席毛泽东的《组成中国人民志愿军的命令》和司令员兼政治委员彭德怀、副司令员兼副政治委员邓华、政治部主任杜平的《政治训令》,广泛深人地进行尊重朝鲜劳动党、政府、人民军和爱护朝鲜人民的教育,结合作战、训练实际情况,普遍制定遵纪爱民“公约”和“守则”,开展群众性的遵纪爱民运动。1958年,为适应从朝鲜全部撤军的新形势需要,志愿军政治部在总结过去执行政策、纪律经验的基础上,结合停战后部队群众工作出现的新情况,制定了全军统一的《尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》。公约体现了人民军队的本质和国际主义精神,既是对全军的约法,也是全体官兵白觉遵守的行为规范,为圆满完成全部从朝鲜撤军任务起到了重大作用。(宋保恒)
