600字范文 > 这样上阅读课 文本精读不再是问题

这样上阅读课 文本精读不再是问题

时间:2022-03-05 22:47:10


这样上阅读课 文本精读不再是问题

文章选自:English Teaching Forum , Volume 57, Number 2本文字数2767字,阅读时间大约需要6分钟在英语阅读教学中,文本精读是学生必须要掌握的基本阅读技巧,同时也对学生积累阅读素材,提高写作水平有着重要帮助。然而不可否认的是,文本精读是英语阅读教学中的难点,大部分学生无法掌握精读的精髓所在,往往只知其然不知其所以然。本周,三好教师联盟为老师们推荐一篇Read and Run: A Communicative Reading Activity,文中介绍了如何运用交际阅读活动进行有趣高效的文本精读训练。通过“读与跑”活动,帮助老师培养学生精读阅读技巧,激发学生阅读兴趣,提升阅读自信心。此套实操方法适用于K12学段英语教学。我们对原文内容做了重点步骤梳理,文章最后配有英文原文。老师们可针对实操部分按图例分步骤完成。


Read and Run: A Communicative Reading Activity读与跑:交际阅读活动Intensive reading in a second language (L2) can be challenging for both teachers and students because the reading level of the text is often higher than what students can easily read on their own. Reading a text that could be informative and interesting instead can become a struggle. And so, as teachers, we need to provide consistent intervention and support to help students make meaning from what can seem to them like a meaningless text.对于教师和学生来说,二语精读是很有挑战性的,因为课文的阅读水平通常高于学生可以轻松阅读的水平。阅读一篇内容丰富、有趣的文章可能会变得很困难。因此,作为教师,我们需要提供持续性的干预和支持,以帮助学生从看似毫无意义的文本中获得意义。Further, a text that is difficult for students to read may lower their confidence and motivation not just for reading in an L2, but for language learning in general. To motivate my students to read those seemingly difficult texts, I used an intensive-reading task called Read and Run.此外,学生阅读一篇难度高的文本可能会降低阅读的信心和动力,此活动不仅有助于二语阅读,也有助于其他语言学习。为了激励学生阅读那些看似困难的文本,作者进行了一项名为“读与跑”的精读活动。Read and Run is relatively easy to prepare and implement, mainly due to the materials needed. Teachers are encouraged to use their own textbooks for this task.“读与跑”活动的准备和实施比较容易,主要归结于所需材料。鼓励教师使用自己的课本来完成这项任务。This task is useful in teacher training as well. Workshops are always fun and productive when I include Read and Run, and the teachers quickly pick up on its benefits, agreeing that they can easily incorporate it in their own classrooms.这项活动也适用于教师培训。当我把“读与跑”加入进来后,工作坊变得有趣且高效,老师们很快就发现了它的好处,并愿意把它融入到自己的课堂。



Read and Run can be a timed activityor you can plan it as a competition that lasts until one team wins. There are four main preparation steps:“读与跑”活动可以作为限时活动,或者可以作为小组比拼的活动。主要有四个准备步骤:Step 1: Use a chapter from your reading textbook and generate a list of questions and answers.使用阅读教材中的一个章节,并列出问题和答案。【注意】① 所选章节应是已学过的章节或者是学生阅读过两三次的章节。② 问题与答案的设计不仅限于理解性问题,也可以从修辞、语篇特征等方面进行设计。【示例】

Figure 1 shows examples of question types you can use to check comprehension of a text.图1是可用于检查文本理解情况的问题示例。【说明】图1问题示例包括理解性问题和反问句,粗体为反问句,要求学生分析篇章结构与特征。【注意】若问题5的答案在第4段,那么问题6的答案不应该在第1段。学生阅读时不建议来回跳读。并且老师在写答案时,要求学生找到答案的段落或行号。Step 2: Create a document that students can use to read the questions and the answers.Each group will need one copy.建立学生可用来阅读问题和答案的文档。每小组一份。Step 3:Make a photocopy of the chapter reading from the book. Each group will need one copy. Again, if you do not have access to a photocopier, you can use the textbook.把需要阅读的章节打印出来以确保每小组一份。如果老师无法打印,可以使用教材。Step 4: Before class, tape the chapter readings along one wall. Position them with enough space in between so that a different group of four or five students can gather and work at each one.课前老师将所阅读的章节材料贴在墙上。并且在两组间留出足够的空间,以便四五名学生组成小组,也便于在每组间的配合。【注意】如果老师使用教材作为阅读材料,那么请把课本平放在小组的桌子上。要求学生在活动期间不能拿出其他教材,因为这是小组阅读活动。



Step 1: Divide the class into groups or teams. Assign roles. One student in each group is the Leader. The other students are the Runners. The Leader will have the easiest job because he or she will only be reading and answering questions. However, below I explain how Leaders can become more involved by giving oral clues to help their group members find answers in the text.全班学生分成小组,并每人分配角色。每组选出一名学生为Leader,其他的学生是Runners。Leader的工作是阅读和回答问题,因此其工作最为简单。然而,下面将说明Leader如何通过口述帮助Runners在文中找到答案,帮助大家更加投入到活动中来。Step 2: Have the Runners from each group gather in front of one copy of the chapter reading, either a photocopy taped to the wall or the textbook placed on a table or group of desks. Each team has its own copy of the reading. Have the Leaders each stand at the opposite wall from their groups. The Leaders should have a copy of the questions and answers, but they should also have a copy of the reading (perhaps just using their textbooks).让每小组Runners聚在阅读材料前,可以在贴在墙上的材料周围,也可以在放在桌子上的教材周围。每个小组都有自己的阅读材料。让每个Leader背对小组而站,并手持一份问题和答案,以及阅读材料(或教材)。Step 3: Explain the rules to the class.说明活动规则(参见图2)。

(图2:活动基本规则)【示例】① Runners每次派一名成员到Leader处获取问题。Leader需悄声口头传递,不能使用文字。然后这名成员跑回告知其他成员,一起寻找答案。② 找到答案后,该名成员需回到Leader处确认答案。若答案不正确需重复此过程,直至找到正确答案;若答案正确,该名成员回队,派出另一名成员获取新问题。【注意】① 老师应该监督活动进程并给予帮助。② 如果Runner记不住问题,可以再次回到Leader处获取同一问题。Step 4: Continue until all the questions are answered or until the time is up.活动持续到所有问题回答完毕或时间结束。【注意】若学生水平较高,老师可设计更多问题并限定时间。若学生水平一般,老师可设计简单问题列表,采取小组比拼赛制。Step 5: You may find that the groups finish at very different times. In order to keep all students on task and engaged, plan a follow-up activity that the groups can do when they have finished Read and Run.老师可能会发现每个小组结束时间不一样。为了让所有学生都能参与和完成活动,老师可设计完成后可做的其他活动。



Teachers can easily adapt Read and Run for their individual classrooms. As mentioned above, if it is difficult to make copies, the teacher can do the activity by using textbooks. The questions can be shared electronically and read by students on a mobile phone or tablet.“读与跑”活动对于老师来说,是非常容易根据不同班级情况进行调整的。如上所述,如果无法复印材料,那老师可用教材来进行活动。老师也可以通过电子形式分享阅读材料,学生可以通过手机或平板阅读。



During Read and Run, teachers and students have the opportunity to assess students’ reading ability. The teacher can do any or all of the following:在“读与跑”活动过程中,教师和学生有机会对学生的阅读能力进行评估。教师实施以下操作进行评估:

circulate around the room and informally assess the students’ progress.


notice how well students work in groups and be aware of individual students’ comprehension of the reading.


notice which questions students struggle to answer and use those to inform a lesson about reading strategies.

注意学生难以回答的问题,并利用这些问题讲授阅读策略。学生在活动中能意识到自己阅读难度高文本时的理解能力,并帮助他们在独立阅读时再次运用已讲的阅读策略。Energizing the class and getting students engaged in reading is the most obvious and fulfilling benefit I see when I use this activity. Students who looked sleepy the previous day are now darting around the room, engaged in competition. Students who complained that the reading was too hard are now enthusiastically combing through the text to find the answers to reading questions. In other words, Read and Run turns struggling readers into confident, motivated readers.进行此活动最明显和最有成就感的优势就是能激发课堂活力,让学生们投入到阅读中来。前一天还昏昏欲睡的学生们正在教室里跑来跑去参加比赛;抱怨阅读太难的学生们也非常积极地梳理课文,寻找答案。换言之,“读与跑”活动能让阅读困难的学生变得更加自信、积极。
