600字范文 > 《双语印章史》| 本期内容:汉印形制的艺术创意

《双语印章史》| 本期内容:汉印形制的艺术创意

时间:2022-07-03 19:31:20


《双语印章史》| 本期内容:汉印形制的艺术创意


Artistic Creativity of Han Seal Forms


Glazed seal "Jia Jun"(家君). Western Han Dynasty.


The artistic consciousness of Han Dynasty seals resided not exclusively in the script, the layout and carving of seals; it was also continuously contributing to the beautification of the seal body. The shift from a single material, namely bronze, to materials expressive of fortune and status, namely gold, silver and jade, represents the class stratification of society and the pursuit of visual esthetic feeling. The materials of private seals were not restricted by social ranks, so a large range of materials could be drawn on. Crystal, glass, wood, ivory and inset colored stone show the unlimited creative ideas in the world of Han Dynasty private seals.


Crystal seal "Chen Qingshi"(陈请士). Western Han Dynasty


The development of technology is founded on social application. In the Han Dynasty, seals were used across a larger range of activities and so they became everyday objects. Promoted by pursuits of beauty and individuality, the seal knobs have diverse themes; this period saw the emergence of knob forms of pronounced decorative nature, resembling rings, amulets and belt hooks. Knobs in the shape of bear, deer, sheep, mouse and frog are of distinct creativity. Their styles are mostly realistic and simple with lively forms and full of the flavor of ordinary life. For instance, the tiger figure on the tiger knob has a well-proportioned, strong and powerful body.


Bronzed seal "Gan Yang"(干阳) with dragon-shaped circular knob. Eastern Han Dynasty.


The knob forms of official seals focus on precision and standardization and therefore show fewer creative ideas. The chi tiger, turtle and nose (tile) knobs are the three basic forms of official seals of the Western and Eastern Han dynasties. The Western Han tile knob had a narrower surface, thinner knob wall and smaller span. In the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty the tile knob developed a thicker wall and broader surface, covering the seal body. Another knob form of regular and trim form emerged as a return to the nose knob, but a different nose knob from that of the early Western Han. The features of the early Western Han turtle knob are a long narrow body, low prostrate position and shorter head and neck. Typical examples include “Seal of Marquis of Dai”, “Seal of Marquis of Wanqu”. From the middle of the Western Han, the turtle knob developed into a style of plump shape, obvious humpback, broader back shell and refined patterns. It developed further toward a style of refinement, trimness and luxuriance. The “Seal of King of Guangling” of the early Eastern Han and the “Seal of Grand Chancellor of Langya” are both thick, round and firm in shape. A gradual increase in the height of the seal body was seen in both the turtle- and tile- knobs of official seals. This change progressed with time and has a certain importance when it comes to antique identification.


Bronzed seal "Cheng Niren"(程惄人) with frog-shaped bodkin knob. Western Han Dynasty.


The form and carving style of Han Dynasty seal knobs represent the artistic achievement in the most active period in the evolution of knob forms in ancient seals. It reveals that the artistic focus of society in this period, in terms of seal content, material and knobs, tended to pursue the appreciative function rather than the authentication function. This resulted in Han Dynasty seals having a great diversity of styles and many levels of artistic . The long-term social , political and economic stability of the Western and Eastern Han dynasties provided the right conditions for the development of culture and art. The achievements in seal art are just one of the general flowering of many artistic genres in the period.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press,

