600字范文 > 《双语印章史》| 本期内容:玺印功能的泛化

《双语印章史》| 本期内容:玺印功能的泛化

时间:2022-12-16 23:56:59


《双语印章史》| 本期内容:玺印功能的泛化



Expansion of Seal Functions


As both official and private means of authentication, seals had extensive political properties and social functions. The constant expansion of their applications also introduced a variety of cultural elements. The history of seals is one that involves all the processes in society, politics, economy and culture. This is another clear feature of seals.


The majority of Chinese seals were either official seals representing the power and status of office-holders, offices and agencies, or private seals functioning as the means of identification and authentication of individuals. However, in the long development process of seals, certain non-authentication seal types always coexisted alongside the majority authentication types. Two factors account for this, namely the remnants of the primitive properties of seals and the constant evolution of their functions. This indicates the extended functions of seals in social life. The following types are just variations, but they carry much social, cultural and artistic information.



Seal with auspicious words

Seals with words praying for auspice and blessing and expressing hopes for an ideal life emerged in the pre-Qin Dynasty Period. In the Han Dynasty this form was often adopted for private name seal.



Motto seal

This type of seal was carved with words of exhortation or admonition as a way of cultivating character. They were especially popular in the period from the Warring States Period to the Qin Dynasty, showing society’s advocacy of self-cultivation of personal virtues.



Graphic seal

These, a type of folk seal in the Qin and Han dynasty, had mythological figures representing primitive worship customs and some auspicious creatures. There was a very wide range of subjects.




Special religious seals

In the Han and Jin dynasties, certain instruments used by the indigenous religion of Taoism also became seals. These were used in exorcism rituals, for example the “Seal of Huang Shen and Yue Zhang”(黄神越章), which had very specific religious significance. In the Tang Dynasty, Buddhist temples also made seals. The Buddhist temple seals and the Triratna seal representing the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha were both used in the activities and rituals of Buddhist temples.

Another function of early seals that should not be neglected is their use as funerary objects, an extension into the afterworld of their function of authenticating an office-holder or an individual. People in the ancient world treated the dead like the living and believed that they would need a form of authentication in the afterlife. Also, in the period before epitaphs and epigraph steles became common, seals were also used as objects to commemorate and identify the deceased. Seals excavated from Qin and Han dynasty tombs, both those actually used during the deceased’s lifetime and those buried as funerary objects after death, testify to this use. A batch of talc official seals of the Han Dynasty unearthed in Changsha, Hunan Province, proved that funerary seals were generally used in burials in the Han Dynasty. However, after Wei and Jin, this practice gradually died out. Seals used for funeral was rare.



Correspondence name seal

The replacement of bamboo and wooden slips and tablets by paper documents and letters brought about the emergence of seals used to make imprints at the end of correspondence. Different salutations on these seals were used according to the recipient, and also according to different stylistic genres. This reveals the emphasis among post-Wei and Jin intellectual classes upon formality and etiquette in correspondence. At the time of social turbulence during the Song and Yuan dynasties, sentences used in letters to pray for peace and to express longing for one’s native place and family were also found on seals, revealing strong affection for family and friends. These seal imprints were predecessors of seals that had features of scholar seal engraving.



Collection seal, studio name seal

These seals were used to mark collected books or art works and personal studios of scholars. They form a particular and special category. They have an obvious involvement with the life of culture and the mentality, but their authentication properties have become weaker and less clear.


The expansion of the functions of seals and their general and sustained long-term use brought about a comprehensive strengthening of the esthetic significance of the component parts of ancient seals. In the Yuan and Ming dynasties the role of seals as a means of authentication had not yet come to an end. However, seal engraving, a scholar art, had already started to grow in this period. Finally the connotations of seal in the universal sense was replaced completely by one of pure artistic value. Although Chinese seals originated from the same background and starting point as those of the ancient seals in other regions in the world, they ended up developing in a completely divergent direction.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press,


