600字范文 > 谷歌办环保主题峰会 各界名流开私人飞机 豪华游艇参加!网友:虚伪环保!

谷歌办环保主题峰会 各界名流开私人飞机 豪华游艇参加!网友:虚伪环保!

时间:2019-10-05 05:44:26


谷歌办环保主题峰会 各界名流开私人飞机 豪华游艇参加!网友:虚伪环保!


谷歌7月底在意大利西西里岛的维杜拉度假村举办了为期三天、主题为气候变化和全球变暖的超级峰会Google Camp。

西西里岛的维杜拉度假村图源:《太阳报》消息人士告诉《纽约邮报》,峰会嘉宾由谷歌创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)以私人名义邀请。Sources tell The Post that guests were personally invited by Google foundersLarry PageandSergey Brin.


图源:梨视频截图据当地媒体报道,就连谷歌的竞争对手Facebook的马克•扎克伯格也受到了邀请。EvenMark Zuckerbergof Google’s rival, Facebook, was invited, according to local reports.消息人士称,为期三天的夏令营将花费这家科技巨头约2,000万美元。Their three-day summer camp will cost the tech giant some $20 million, sources said.这些世界上名流纷纷涌向意大利一个豪华度假胜地,谈论如何拯救地球母亲——但在这个过程中,他们肯定是在惩罚她。The world’s rich and famous have flocked to a posh Italian resort to talk about saving Mother Earth — but they sure are punishing her in th process.据意大利媒体报道,这些全球明星是乘坐私人飞机、直升飞机、豪华游艇和超级跑车,前去讨论如何应对气候变化的。

为期三天的会议将聚焦于应对气候变化——但不清楚与会者将花多少时间讨论他们自己对环境的影响,比如他们乘坐的私人飞机和豪华游艇。The three-day eventwill focus on fighting climate change — though it’s unknown how much time the attendees will spend discussing their own effect on the environment, such as the scores of private jets they arrived in and the mega yachts many have been staying on.

梦工厂创始人、亿万富翁大卫·格芬还让佩里和奥兰多·布鲁姆搭乘了他价值4亿美元的“旭日”号游艇。Billionaire Dreamworks founderDavid Geffen, meanwhile, gave Perry and Bloom a ride on his $400 million yacht, Rising Sun.

新西兰亿万富翁哈特(Graeme Hart)曾经拥有的巨型游艇“仙女座”也在现场。

《纽约邮报》对这些数据进行了分析,发现从洛杉矶到意大利巴勒莫的114个私人飞机将向空气中排放约78.4万公斤的二氧化碳。The Post crunched the numbers and found that 114 first class seats fromLos Angeles to Palermo, Italy, where Camp guests landed, would spew an estimated 784,000 kilograms of CO2 into the air.除此这外,这些名人在岛上也选择了极尽奢靡的出行方式,其中包括豪车和游艇。这些工具不仅费油,而且对环境污染严重。

在照片中可以看到,许多与会者开着高速跑车在岛上兜风,其中包括佩里。佩里曾为联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)制作有关气候变化的视频。她被拍到在一辆玛莎拉蒂SUV,这辆豪车每跑15英里消耗就要1加仑油。Many of the attendees were seen in photos tooling around the island in high-speed sports vehicles, including Perry, who has made videos for UNICEF about climate change and was seen in a Maserati SUV that gets about 15 mpg city.一位经常参加Google Camp的人告诉《纽约邮报》:“Google Camp是一个有影响力的人聚在一起讨论如何让世界变得更美好的地方。”"Google Camp is meant to be a place where influential people get together to discuss how to make the world better," one regular attendee told The Post.“很可能会有关于网络隐私、政治、人权,以及环境等方面的讨论,这让这场需要114架私人飞机参加的活动显得非常讽刺。”"There will likely be discussions about online privacy, politics, human rights, and of course, the environment, which makes it highly ironic that this event requires 114 private jets to happen," they said.


Attendees pay for their own travel to Sicily, but then Google foots the bill for everything at the opulent Verdura Resort, which reportedly features two golf courses and where rooms start at $903 a night.

客人们在神庙遗址旁用餐,并享受斯汀、埃尔顿•约翰以及酷玩乐队的克里斯•马丁等人的表演,然后回到他们在度假村的套房。Guests dine among ancient temples and are treated to performances by the likes ofSting,Elton Johnand Coldplay’sChris Martin, before retiring to their suites at the Verdura Resort.

去年,一位消息人士曾告诉《每日邮报》,这家科技公司采取了极端措施来保守其营地的秘密——所有酒店员工和安保人员都必须签署保密协议。The tech company goes to extreme measures to keep its camp a secret — all hotel staff and security have to sign non-disclosure agreements, a source told the Daily Mail in .








