600字范文 > 谷歌办气候变化峰会 众明星坐私人飞机游艇出席 被斥“虚伪”!

谷歌办气候变化峰会 众明星坐私人飞机游艇出席 被斥“虚伪”!

时间:2019-06-18 08:42:51


谷歌办气候变化峰会 众明星坐私人飞机游艇出席 被斥“虚伪”!

Google summit on climate change attended by stars in private jets, mega yachts slammed as "hypocritical"


来源:福克斯新闻 翻译:世界播

Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio and more attended a Google summit on climate change in private jets and megayachts.


Google"s recent climate change conference – which was attended by Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, and other A-list stars – is being slammed as "hypocritical" by many.


Following an Italian press report claiming that the Google Campers would flock to Sicily for a three-day, $20 million event in 114 private jets, social media users were quick to point out what they saw as a disconnect.

意大利媒体报道称,Google Camp参与者将乘坐114架私人飞机前往西西里岛参加为期三天、耗资2000万美元的活动,随后社交媒体用户很快指出了他们眼中的脱节。

“Is there anything more hypocritical than a bunch of rich people flying their private jets across the world to sit on yachts and discuss the future of our planet?” one Twitter user asked.


Wrote another individual: "Wow, just wow. Has google not heard about video conference."


"LOL the irony," commented one person.


"Wow ... if it"s so bad, why did all the Google execs, rich folks & celebrities fly 114 private jets, yachts, & limos to the climate change summit in Italy? Hypocrisy? Climate hoax?" asked another social media user.


Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry and Harry Styles all recently attended a Google summit which was focused on climate change. (Getty)


And another: "The hypocrisy of all these celebrities and billionaires that are travelling to a climate change summit in their private jets! The fact that Google spent $20bn on this initiative just shows that they"d rather look the part than be the part! Put that money INTO ACTION! not a parade!"


Then there was this: "Several #celebrities, wealthy and famous people have arrived in Sicily for #Google summit to discuss climate change. Are these folks going to push for a bill to be passed to ban use of private jets and mega yachts?"


"Really not concerned about the environment at all!" commented one person.


"LOL so they"re using more fossil fuels just getting there than most people use in a year and yet we"re going to discuss climate change," wrote another.


"Oxymoron defined. The 1%ers are by far the biggest contributors to Global Warming on the planet..." said one person.


As previously reported, Hollywood"s elite, along with the likes of former President Barack Obama and Prince Harry, jetted to an Italian resort for the Google Camp, which focused on climate change.

正如之前报道的,好莱坞的精英们,连同前总统巴拉克·奥巴马和哈里王子等人,都会飞往意大利度假胜地参加Google Camp,该活动的主题是气候变化。

“Everything is about global warming, that is the major topic this year,” a source told the New York Post on Tuesday.


Many of the guests, including Obama and DiCaprio – who has his own climate change foundation – have described global warming as the biggest threat to future generations.


“Google Camp is meant to be a place where influential people get together to discuss how to make the world better,” another insider told the Post. “There will likely be discussions about online privacy, politics, human rights, and of course, the environment, which makes it highly ironic that this event requires 114 private jets to happen.”

另一位知情人士告诉《纽约邮报》:“Google Camp是一个有影响力的人聚在一起讨论如何让世界变得更美好的场合。很可能会有关于网络隐私、政治、人权,当然还有环境的讨论,但非常具有讽刺意味的是,这次活动需要114架私人飞机。”

Attendees, who according to a source were personally invited by Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, reportedly footed the bill for their travel costs to Sicily"s Verdura Resort, but Google paid the rest of their expenses. Rooms reportedly start at $903 a night there.


Other luminaries reportedly in attendance: Bradley Cooper, Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra, Gayle King, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, designer Diane von Furstenberg and Barry Diller.


Furstenberg and Diller reportedly arrived via their $200 million yacht Eos; Dreamworks founder David Geffen is said to have given Perry and Bloom a lift to the event on his $400 million yacht, Rising Sun.





