600字范文 > A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit(坑

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit(坑

时间:2023-05-25 22:04:46


A group of frogs were traveling through the woods  and two of them fell into a deep pit(坑


A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit(坑). When the other frogs saw【小题1】a deep pit it was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as 【小题2】(die) . The two frogs didn listen to the others and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs heard what the other frogs 【小题3】(say) and gave up, so he died.

The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could 【小题4】(get) out. Once again, the other frogs cried at him and told himto stop and just allow 【小题5】to die, but he jumped even 【小题6】(hard) and finally made himself out. When he was out, the other frogs said, Didn you hear us? The frog explained to them that 【小题7】was wrong with his hearing. He thought they were encouraging him 【小题8】whole time.

There is power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone 【小题9】is down can lift him or her up and help them make it 【小题10】the day, while bad words can rob another of the spirit to go on in difficult times. Be careful of what you say.what




【小题1】saw 后面接的句子是感叹句,用what引导,What a deep pit it is!多深的一个坑啊!

【小题2】as good as“跟……一样”前面有were,所以用die的形容词形式dead。

【小题3】一只青蛙听到其他青蛙在说什么,所以用进行时表示were saying。

【小题4】另一只青蛙在竭尽所能地往上跳,目的是为了出来,用to do表目的,所以填to get。

【小题5】其他青蛙向它喊,“别费劲了,放弃吧。”allow sb to do“让某人做某事”,所以sb用himself。


【小题7】青蛙向同伴们解释它的听觉有毛病,something is wrong with his hearing。

【小题8】短语the whole time“整个时间;所有的时间”


【小题10】帮他们度过一天,用make it through the day。
