600字范文 > 感动自己的励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的你

感动自己的励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的你

时间:2022-08-18 17:28:53


感动自己的励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的你

一 俗话说:企者不立,跨者不行.意思是说踮起脚尖,就无法长久站立;迈着大步,就无法长远行走.追求事业也是如此,要想获得成功,就要学会在自己擅长的领域里沉下心来,用一颗匠心踏实学习,努力深耕,并且把它做到极致.蓦然回首,我们会发现:踏实做好了自己,原来成功竟如此简单!

As the saying goes: the enterprise does not stand, the cross does not do. It means standing on tiptoe for a long time; stride, you can walk for a long time. The pursuit of career is the same, if you want to succeed, you must learn to sink in the field you are good at, learn with a craftsmans heart, work hard, and do it to the extreme. Suddenly looking back, we will find: steadfast to do their own, the original success is so simple!

二 每个人的人生中,都有许多改变命运的机会,好与坏,成与败,取决于自己的态度.不同的态度塑造不同的人,也缔造不同的人生.有句话叫:操之在我,也就是说,事情的发展取决于自己,而非其他.

Everyones life, there are many opportunities to change fate, good and bad, success and failure, depending on their attitude. Different attitudes shape different people and create different lives. There is a saying: fuck me, that is, the development of things depends on themselves, not others.

三 人为什么要努力?因为努力可以将不可能的事情或许变成可能.没有谁的人生是轻松的,天上也不可能掉馅饼的.所以,我们要珍惜努力带来的成就感,因为这份成就感是自己给自己的,并且还会引领我们朝着下一个目标不断前进.到那个时候我们就会发现,努力是可以成为习惯的,而努力又优秀的自己就在不远处.

Why do people work hard? Because hard work can make impossible things possible. No ones life is easy, the sky can not drop pie. Therefore, we should cherish the sense of achievement brought by our efforts, because this sense of achievement is given to ourselves and will lead us to the next goal. At that time we will find that hard work can become a habit, and hard and excellent self is not far away.

四 人生路上,我们难免会遇到彷徨的时刻.这个时候,我要做的就是坚持住自己的初心,将自己那个哪怕是小得不能再小的愿望付诸行动,不抛弃不放弃,用能力,态度境界去证明自己生命的意义.

On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter a moment of loss. At this time, what I have to do is to stick to my initial heart, to put into action even if it is too small to be small, not to abandon and not to give up, to prove the meaning of my life with ability and attitude.

五 在这个包罗万象的尘世间,有的人典雅高贵,有的人廉价卑微.只要多留意一下身边的过客,就会不难发现,有些人只是为了来给我们上一课就会转身离开,有些人却是为了守护我们一生而来.我们要走的这条路,有太多的不确定,但我们不要畏惧就拒绝了所有的开始.我们走过的每一条路,都是顺直的,也都是崎岖的,无论路途中有狂风暴雨,或者是险象环生,我们只有战胜了内心的恐惧,才有可能到达新的生活彼岸.

In this all-encompassing world, some people are elegant and noble, some are cheap and humble. As long as you pay more attention to the passers-by, it will not be difficult to find that some people just to give us a lesson will turn around and leave, some people are to protect our lives. We are going this way, there is too much uncertainty, but we do not fear to refuse all the beginning. Every road we walk is straight and rugged. No matter there is a storm or danger on the way, we can only reach the other side of a new life if we overcome our inner fear.

作品原创首发,请勿抄袭,图片来源于网络。作者,夏海春,男 湖南省辰溪县小龙门乡人,16岁离开故乡,著有散文集《湘西逸事》《梦回湘西》,在地市级及以上报刊杂志发表作品1200多篇(幅),在全国征文摄影赛事中多次获金奖或一等奖,多幅摄影作品被中国摄影家协会,中华爱国工程联合会,乐凯集团等机构单位收藏,三次在北京人民大会堂从国家领导人手中接过奖杯。现在河南南阳油田工作,系中国摄影家协会会员。
