600字范文 > 励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的朋友们

励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的朋友们

时间:2023-01-11 20:30:44


励志正能量句子 送给有缘阅读的朋友们

一 人生就是一个改变的过程.改变态度,思想就改变了;改变思想,行为就改变了;改变行为,能力就改变了;能力改变了,命运也就改变了!

Life is a process of change. Change attitude, thought change; change thought, behavior change; change behavior, ability change; ability change, fate change!

二 身体需要锻炼,精神需要修炼,思想需要提炼,人生需要磨练,经历了这些,我们就有可能拥有美好的明天.

The body needs exercise, the spirit needs practice, the the mind needs to be refined, life needs to be honed, and through this, we may have a better tomorrow.

三 事业在于创造,成功需要坚持.坚持是一种力量,更是一种财富.坚持别人不能坚持的,拥有别人无法拥有的.

The cause lies in creation, and success requires persistence. Persistence is a force, but also a wealth. Stick to what others can insist on, have what others ca n t have.

四 人生路上,风雨相随,坎坷不平.我们若果把遇到的困难当成前行的动力,新的开始,就一定能够扫除阴霾,迎接胜利的曙光!

Life on the road, wind and rain with each other, bumpy. If we take the difficulties encountered as the driving force to move forward, a new start, we will be able to clear the haze, to meet the dawn of victory!

五 生命的精彩在于拼搏和坚持,每一个奋斗的过程都会让人与众不同,只要一直走下去,蓦然回首,我们就会发现,坚持的每一个处境,都是自己曾经想要放弃以为到达不了的地方.

The wonderful life lies in the struggle and persistence, each struggle process will make people different, as long as we go on, suddenly look back, we will find that adhere to every situation, Is they once wanted to give up think can not reach the place.

