600字范文 > 满满正能量的句子 送给每一位有缘阅读的朋友

满满正能量的句子 送给每一位有缘阅读的朋友

时间:2020-12-06 02:00:18


满满正能量的句子 送给每一位有缘阅读的朋友

一 拼自己想要的,争自己没有的;人生没有等来的辉煌,只有拼来的精彩.

Fight for what you want, fight for what you don have; life does not wait for glory, only the wonderful fight.

二 强者越挫越勇,弱者逢败弥伤;生命的考验,是命运的一种成全,自己是一切的根源.

The stronger the more frustrated the more brave, the weak every defeat; the test of life, is a kind of fate, oneself is the root of everything.

三 命运掌握在我们自己手里.



Fate is in our own hands.

Ideas determine practices, practices determine living laws.

Only to understand their own good, understand their own strength, choose the right direction of efforts, it is possible to see the hope of life.

四 世上最优秀的人是我们自己,只要认识到自己的长处,发挥好自己的优势,耐得住自己的性子,不断积累,持之以恒,就一定能够收获自己想要的果实.

The best people in the world are ourselves. As long as we recognize our strengths, give play to our strengths, bear our temper, accumulate and persevere, we will be able to reap the fruits we want.

五 人生是奋斗之路,生活需要奋斗,工作需要奋斗,学习需要奋斗,成就事业更需要奋斗.

Life is the road of struggle, life needs struggle, work needs struggle, study needs struggle, achievement needs struggle.

六 人生充满期待,只有奋斗和拼搏,才能到达成功的彼岸.

Life is full of expectations, only struggle and struggle, can reach the other side of success.

