600字范文 > 英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

时间:2018-11-09 11:22:56


英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文 -10-20 18:33:35 网易教育频道综合


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,

2)explain its intended meaning, and then

3)give your comments

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

︾︾︾︾︾︾︾应 对 策 略 ︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾&




1. With the development of economy and increase in the living standard, the number of people is on the rise.

随着经济发展和生活水平的提高, 的人口数量正在增长。

2. Considering the advantages and disadvantages, I think


3. From the drawing we may see a vivid scene :


4. If all those factors are contemplated, the advantages of... carry more weight than those of...

如果仔细考虑所有因素的话, 的优势会比 的优势更多。

5. It would be possible to think that ..., but it would be foolish to claim that..., and it would be more foolish to believe that...

或许认为 是可能的,但是认为 就很愚蠢,而认为 就更加愚蠢。

The drawing vividly depicts that a circular area has been divided into a number of sub-sections, and there is one person in each sub-section, working or playing on a computer. Nowadays many people, especially, young fellows are tracing such a fashion of life and working style. What is conveyed in the drawing is realistic and most meaningful.

There are some reasons accounting for this fashion.Firstly, with the rapid development of society, advances in office equipments have been made, which has led to the improvement of people s working means in their offices. Therefore, many are required to excel in computer operation. Secondly, Internet enmeshes the world so that people assume they can communicate on it with other colleagues or friends at home and abroad without stepping out of their rooms. Thirdly, some people even don t want to waste their valuable time so that they turn to Internet to gain what they want. Some, even, have become addicted to the internet.

Frankly speaking, this social phenomenon is another double-edged sword. It has both positive and negative impacts on the whole society. It is universally accepted that Internet offers many benefits to people. Some young men, on the opposite, spend most of their time in front of computers, which would lead them into poor health. Moreover, it is harmful to the establishment of people s ability to communicate with others.

To draw a conclusion, we don t deny that people should take advantage of Internet, but in a sensible way. And also parents should give proper advice to their children to form a proper outlook of surfing on Internet. (265 words)





1. circular [sə:kjulə] a. 圆形的, 循环的, 间接的

He is reading a circular letter.


2. convey [kEn5vei] vt. 运送;传达

I can convey my feelings in words.


3. means [mi:nz] n. 方法, 手段, 工具, 财产, 收入

There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.


4. excel [ik5sel] vt. 胜过, 优于, 擅长vi. 胜过其他

They each excel in their respective fields.


5. enmesh [inme ,en-] vt. 使绊住, 使陷入

The girl was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies.


6. addict [E5dikt] vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾n. 入迷的人,上瘾者

Some people have become addicted to Internet.


7. sensible [5sensEbl] adj. 明智的, 合情合理的

He is sensible of the danger of his position.


8. surf [sə:f] n. 海浪, 拍岸浪vi. 作冲浪运动

You have to surf through a variety of sites.






原句:Therefore, many are required to excel in computer operation.

分析:这句话中出现了一个动词短语“excel in/at”。考生要注意“excel”当“在某些方面出色”讲的时候,是不及物动词。

原句:Thirdly, some people even don t want to waste their valuable time so that they turn to Internet to gain what they want.

分析:考生要注意本句话中的动词短语“turn to”(求助于),其中“to”是介词,所以其后面要加名词性内容。很多考生忽略了这点。

原句:Nowadays many people, especially, young fellows are tracing such a fashion of life and working style.

活用:This fashion of life and work appeals to many people, especially, young fellows.

原句:Therefore, many are required to excel in computer operation.

活用:Accordingly, it compels many to excel at computer operation.

原句:It is universally accepted that Internet offers many benefits to people.

活用:Internet, inevitably, offers people enormous benefits.
