600字范文 > 英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

时间:2019-11-01 01:23:52


英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文 -10-20 18:30:55 网易教育频道综合


Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

︾︾︾︾︾︾︾应 对 策 略 ︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾&




1. What is presented here in the picture is...


2. Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about... is under way in China. Some people believe that... whereas others argue that...

如今在中国对 的白热化的讨论正在进行着。有些人认为 ,而其他人则认为

3. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that...


4. As far as I know, the above tendency may inevitably give rise to some effects as follows.


5. In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of... Only in this way can... in the future.

总之,全社会都应对 问题给予极大的注意。只有这样, 才能 在未来。

As could be vividly revealed in the above drawing, a “football match” of taking care of the father is played by his three sons and one youngest daughter. The eldest son, we can see, is kicking out their father while the other three children are guarding the goals, which is really thought-provoking.

This drawing reflects an uncommon phenomenon of how elders are treated by their adult children in Chinese families. The implied meaning of the drawing above can be briefly stated as follows. To begin with, with the aging of our society, senior citizens who are making up a growing percentage of Chinese population are often ill-treated by their own children who regard them as a heavy burden in the families. Such phenomenon can be spotted both in the city and in the rural areas. What is more, some people become ignorant of the traditional virtue in our nation—filial piety that should be advocated in the society. They treat their parents as good-for-nothing instead of a person, which should arouse our great concern nationwide.

As far as I am concerned, the mistreatment of senior citizens should not be neglected by the public that regard filial piety as a virtue. In order to eliminate the inhuman phenomenon, relevant laws and regulations must be made to severely punish those who shun the responsibilities of taking care of their old and helpless parents. Only in this way can we live in a stable and moral society. (247 words)


中间段利用了写作的列举法。首句为该段的主题句,其中运用了双重否定手法,即“not uncommon”。随后,列举过程由关联词“to begin with”和“what is more”连接。其它写作技巧还有定语从句的使用,主系表结构的使用等。


1. reveal [rivi:l] vt. 露出, 显示, 透露, 揭露, 泄露

Who can reveal the mystery?


2. burden [ə:dn] n. 负担, 重载, 担子, 责任vt. 装货于, 烦扰, 使负担

As the eldest son, he had to accept the burden of supporting the whole family.


3. spot [spɔt] n. 点, 斑点, 污点, 缺点vt. 认出,发现

The visitors have been to that scenic spot.


4. It is spotted that students here are from Sichuan province.


5. ignorant [iɡnərənt] adj. 未受教育的,无学识的,无知的,愚昧的

I know what your drawings are, how could you suppose me ignorant?


6. filial [5filjEl] a. 子女的, 当做子女的, 孝顺的

In this traditional village, filial piety is rigidly observed.


7. piety [paiəti] n. 虔诚, 孝敬, 虔诚的行为

The preacher was eminent for his piety.


8. shun [ ʌn] vt. 避开, 规避, 避免

When discussing it, we should shun one-sidedness.





原句:The implied meaning of the drawing above can be briefly stated as follows.

病句:The implying meaning of the drawing above can be briefly state as follows.

分析:考生在这句话中会把“implied”一词错用为“implying”,这是由于考生对分词作定语的知识不足导致的。另外,本句为一个被动语态的句子,其谓语结构为“can be briefly stated”。很多考生会忘记在这里使用被动语态。

原句:To begin with, with the aging of our society, senior citizens who are making up a growing percentage of Chinese population are often ill-treated by their own children who regard them as a heavy burden in the families.

病句:To begin with, with the aging of our society, senior citizens are making up a more and more percentage of Chinese population are often ill-treated by their own children who regard them as a heavy burden in the families.

分析:对于考生来说,上面的句子是个名副其实的复杂句。其主语为“senior citizens”,主句谓语为“are often ill-treated”。主语有自己的定语从句,宾语也有自己的定语从句。类似这样的句子,我们在历年批改写作中很少能够见到。有些考生会将定语从句的引导词丢掉,从而使得整个句子意思与原意大相径庭。很对考生在描写某个数量增加的时候总是想到“more and more”而想不到运用“growing”。

原句:As could be vividly revealed in the above drawing, a “football match”of taking care of the father is played by his three sons and one youngest daughter.

活用:The drawing above vividly depicts three sons and a daughter are playing a “football match”of taking care of their old father.

原句:This drawing reflects a not uncommon phenomenon of how elders are treated by their adult children in Chinese families.

活用:This drawing offers us a social phenomenon of some people mistreating their old parents in China.

原句:To begin with, with the aging of our society, senior citizens who are making up a growing percentage of Chinese population are often ill-treated by their own children who regard them as a heavy burden in the families.

活用:First, due to the aging society, the percentage of senior citizens enjoys an upward trend in Chinese population so that they are considered a heavy burden in the families and abused by their own children.
