600字范文 > 英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

时间:2020-02-12 05:05:47


英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文

英语高分背诵 议论文写作真题与范文 -10-20 18:31:30 网易教育频道综合


Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should

1)describe the photos briefly,

2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and

3)give your point of view.

You should write 160 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

注: Beckham (贝克汉姆)—英国足球明星。

︾︾︾︾︾︾︾应 对 策 略 ︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾&




1. As is vividly revealed in the drawing above


2. Everyone could not deny that


3. So far as I know, some factors that contribute to the above tendency may be summarized as below. First of all ... What s more ... The last one is...

就我而言,造成如上趋势的因素可以被总结如下。首先, 其次, 最后,

4. Taking into account all these factors offered above, we may carefully reach the conclusion that...

考虑到上述的所有因素,我们可以仔细地得出 的结论。

5. Only in this way, can we


The photos vividly depict that nowadays many people, especially, young fellows are tracing such fashion. The first one signed the name of Beckham on his left face, while the second one asked the hairdresser to copy the hair style of Beckham with about 300 yuan. Both of them are typical fans of the well-known British football player—Beckham.

This kind of social phenomenon is not entirely a coincidence. There are reasons accounting for this fashion. Firstly, with the rapid development of society, some people feel dull and desperate about the reality, so they desire to find some famous people as their own idols. In the way, they feel satisfied with their life and have a goal to achieve. Secondly, just opposite to the above, others are just fashion tracers. They barely want to show that they are keeping step with the fashion. Thirdly, some people even don t have any special purpose but do it as others. In their deep heart, they don t treat it as fashion but as fun.

Frankly speaking, this social phenomenon is very dangerous to the whole society. Some young men spend most of their time decorating themselves as their idols. As a result, they don t have enough time to study or work, then they are always left behind. Moreover, it is harmful to the establishment of a harmonious society.

To draw a conclusion, we don t deny that people should have their idols to admire, but in a sensible way. They can learn from what they have achieved and try to behave that way. And also parents should give proper advice to their children to form a proper outlook of the world. (276 words)





1. depict [dipikt] vt. 描述, 描写

Writers depict life with their pen.


2. coincidence [kEu5insidEns] n. 巧合, 同时发生

What a coincidence that they share one dormitory!


3. desire [di5zaiE] v. 渴望;要求n. 愿望,欲望,心愿

The teacher desires that you (should)see her at once.


4. idol [aidl] n. 偶像, 崇拜物, 宠儿, 幻象, 谬论

Young people should not make an idol of money.


5. achieve [E5tFi:v] vt 完成,实现,达到,获得

Nothing would prevent him from achieving his ambition.


6. decorate [5dekEreit] vt 装饰;装潢

The family decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls and lights.


7. harmonious [hɑ:məunjəs] a. 和睦的, 调和的, 和谐的, 协调的

This building has been simple, restrained and harmonious in style.


8. outlook [5autluk] n. 观点, 景色, 前途, 了望

Before choosing your field of study,you should investigate its long-term employment outlook.






原句:Both of them are typical fans of the well-known British football player—Beckham.

病句:Both of them are typical fans of the British well-known football player—Beckham.

分析:考生在这句话中很可能会犯一个错误,即定语排序的问题。这句话中“the well-known British football player”往往被考生错写成“the British well-known football player”。这个错误看起来不起眼,但是它违背了定语修饰名词的原则。当定语为并列定语修饰核心名词的时候,越是客观的定语,越要靠近被修饰的核心名词。这里“British”比“well-known”更加客观。

原句:Some young men spend most of their time decorating themselves as their idols.

病句:Some young men spend most of their time decorate themselves as their idols.

分析:考生在这个句子中往往会犯一个低级错误,就是把“spend doing ”误认为是“spend do ”。

原句:There are reasons accounting for this fashion.

病句:There are reasons account for this fashion.

分析:考生会忽略“there be ”这一倒装句式。他们往往把上面句子中的“accounting”变成“account”,这是错误的。因为这里是现在分词短语做主语的后置定语。

原句:There are reasons accounting for this fashion.

活用:Several reasons can be illustrated below.

原句:Moreover, it is harmful to the establishment of a harmonious society.

活用:Besides, such a phenomenon endangers our harmonious society.

原句:To draw a conclusion, we don t deny that people should have their idols to admire, but in a sensible way.

活用:In my opinion, people are supposed to admire their own idols sensibly.
