600字范文 > 【双语印章史】明清玺印作伪与辨伪


时间:2022-06-21 02:45:28




Creating and Distinguishing Faking seals of Ming and Qing Dynasty



In the Song Dynasty, the counterfeiting and replicating of ancient seals were twin phenomena engendered by the increasingly popular fashion of seal collection. The makers of counterfeit seals did so for profit; most of the counterfeited seals in the Ming and Qing dynasties were made with this mind. Those who replicated ancient seals did so out of their interest in and fascination for ancient seals, the replicas were made to meet their interest in and fascination for ancient seals, the replicas were made to meet there appreciation needs.

Replicated and counterfeited seals made in the Ming Dynasty had infiltrated the Palace Treasury collection at least as soon as the early Qing Dynasty. Seals such as the “Seal of Magistrate of Dayang County” and the “Seal of Great General” are of this kind. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, collectors were already confused and intimidated by replicas and counterfeits. Wu Haoli mentions in his epilogue to Collection of Seals from the Qin and Han Dynasties, compiled during the Qian Long Reign, that counterfeit seals were everywhere at the time and that collectors only dared to buy after inviting experts to examine their intended purchases. This was quite typical of the time.


Seal of the Great General, included in “Treasure in a Gold Casket”


Counterfeit “ancient seals” made in earlier times not only made their way into seal imprint compilations, they still exist in many official and private seal collections. Some counterfeits were excavated from secret caches of ancient people or found thrown away in the relics and then subsequently mistaken as being contemporaneous with the relics. One instance of this is the granite seal “King E Shi Shi Sui of Xiongnu under Han” found in a hoard at the Yonghong Road in Xi’an, Shanxi Province. The seal has a square imprint ith sides 8.8cm long. Based on our modern knowledge of the subject, this seal is different from those mad according to the Han Dynasty seal system on all counts- form, material, and script. It is clearly the work of some Ming or Qing person who liked ancient seals and made it as a bit of fun.


King E Shi Shi Sui of Xiongnu under Han(fake)


One of the faking techniques of late Qing antiquaries was to counterfeit seal text onto a genuine ancient seal body. They took ancient seals that were blank, or whose inscriptions had worn off and added their own counterfeit text. Another scam was to take official seals of lower or quite commonly seen rank, grinding off the original titles and carving in new ones, always of higher or rarely seen official positions, so that the rarity value would mean a better price. The “Seal of Marquis of Duxiang”, “Household Manager of Marquis of Linzi” and the “Seal of Right General” are all counterfeits. Another type of counterfeit is seals with totally concocted text. The deal “Chief of Liu Jian Gu Tu Mo Tai of Xiongnu under the Han” replicates the form and style of the seal “Chief Captain of Xiongnu Tribe Assisting in Han’s Punitive Expedition against Other Tribes”. Its official position name is taken from the History of the Han Dynasty: Biography of the Xiongnu Tribe and it is very meticulously designed. However, its knob form is a Western Han style, and the official position name transliterated from the Xiongnu language and carved on the seal did not appear until the Eastern Han Dynasty. Such inconsistency between form and text systems is irreconcilable, another giveaway that the seal is a fake.


Bronze seal "Chief of Liu Jian Gu Tu Mo Tai of Xiongnu under the Han"(fake)


The way to determine whether a seal is counterfeit is to conduct a comprehensive acumination of the script of the text, of the form, of the official position system to which the text refers, and of related records in ancient literature. Then you may make a logical judgment. The essentials for good judgment are established through a deep understanding of how ancient seals evolves, and familiarity with the physical features of seals from different periods of history.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press,


